Have you ever wanted to change an area of your life, and were committed to making that change, but for some reason you didn’t?
Why does this happen?- Perhaps you don't know how? OR
- Could there be circumstances that prevent you from making such a change?
While there may be a variety of reasons why we don’t follow-through on what we say we want to do, inevitably the bottom line it's our mindset. Success is 80% Psychology, & 20% Mechanics.
Most people know enough to get many jobs done, but they’re not doing it.
Why? Their Psychology is NOT in Sync with their Goals.
If you want to change your life in any area, there are 5 keys to achieving success at the highest level that will not only create the change you aspire to make, but also ensure the changes are sustainable and lasting.
1. Raising Your Standards
You've heard this a dozen times right? Let's be honest with ourselves, change does NOT last long term until change becomes a part of our identity. That means, we literally begin to see these changes as the standard by which we live.
Quite simply, raising your standards means converting your shoulds into musts. Everyone has a list of shoulds: ‘I should spend more time with my kids.’ ‘I should spend more time on a business plan.’ ‘I should lose some weight.’ "I should save money." I should connect with my family." I should, I should, I should. Most people don’t actually change, they just end up, “shoulding” all over themselves.
The key to change is to convert those “shoulds” into “must have” and your entire life changes.
A great example: there are people who have no money, but as soon as one of their parents or family members becomes ill, they all of the sudden have the capacity to make more money and find creative ways to generate it to cover expenses i.e. expensive cancer treatments.
If you look at anyone who seems to live a superior life to you, I guarantee you they have a superior standard in that area.
If you see someone who works out five times a week, it’s not because they have more time than you have. It’s because exercise is a must for them. They never miss. They identify with the standard and they live it every day.
When you feel that you absolutely must get something done,
you will absolutely find a way.
- Identify some of the 'shoulds' you have in your mental list - write it down.
- Choose only ONE item right now on your list that you'd like to have as your standard
- Imagine in your mind's eye (seeing & feeling) yourself living this new standard
- Decide and resolve to take 1 small action TODAY & Every day towards that new standard.
With Passion & PurposeNada
Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.
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