Saturday, May 3, 2008

Q#1 - What is STRESS?

"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances." ~Thomas Jefferson

Stress has become such an inseparable part of our lives that most people often fail to realize that they have been living under stress. At one point or the other everybody suffers from stress.

Relationship demands, physical as well as mental health problems, pressure at workplaces, traffic snarls, meeting deadlines, growing-up tensions—all of these conditions and situations are convincing causes of stress. People have their own methods of stress management. In some people, stress-induced inimical feelings and distress tend to persist and intensify. Learning to understand and master stress management techniques can help prevent the adverse effects of this urban debility.

In the next few months you will receive the flollowing articles to help you reduce the Negative Stress in your day to day life:
  1. What is stress?
  2. Different types of stress
  3. What are Stressors?
  4. How to recognize stress?
  5. Checklist for determining your vulnerability to stress?
  6. What are stressful situations?
  7. What happens when you are stressed out?
  8. Can stress be eliminated from your life?
  9. Some stress management techniques
  10. When should you seek professional help for your stress?

1. What is stress?

STRESS can be defined as a form of tension or strain in the body or the mind for which there is no release or outlet. When under stress, one is like a car in the neutral gear with the accelerator on, trying to exert initially, but unable to do so .

Stress is also defined as mental, physical, emotional tension, strain or distress. Stress is a fact of life. However too much stress can result in the breakdown of a person’s physical, mental and emotional health. It has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative energy.

But not all stress is bad. Stress can have positive effects too. In fact, stress is a very natural and important part of life. Human body is designed to react to two types of stress.

Good stress helps keep us alert, motivates us to face challenges, and drives us to solve problems. These low levels of stress are manageable and can be thought of as necessary and normal stimulation.

However, Distress, on the other hand, results when our bodies overreact to events.

Next week - #2 "Different types of stress"

About the Author

A highly acclaimed academician and an active member in various professional bodies, Rajkumar Adukia has been working tirelessly for the cause of the profession. He is a member of the Professional accountants in Business Committee (PAIB) of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Central Council of the ICAI. He has conducted about 5000 seminars & workshops and regularly contributes articles to newspapers and magazines. He has written books on vast range of topics including Internal Audit, Bank audit, SEZ, CARO, Real Estate, Anti dumping, PMLA and Arbitration Laws.

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