Saturday, June 14, 2008

Your Inspiration: BE SOMEONE! Congratulations Orrin!

Congratulations Orrin Hudson!
7 years of Perseverance, Persistence & Dedication has finally paid off! Your Passion for making a difference in this world has already impacted THOUSANDS of YOUTHS and their Families! And this is just the beginning...
"I thank God for you! I love who I am when I speak with you. You were born to coach." ~ Orrin Hudson
OPPORTUNITY - Are you having an Event?
Invite Orrin to Speak at your next Event and your Business can benefit greatly from his Media Coverage!
  • Orrin has been featured in People Magazine, on CNN, NBC and many others.
  • He's met with Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Bill Bartmann and many others...
  • Check out the video below to view & celebrate his journey & achievements developing 'Be'
You too, can have Orrin Hudson come and speak/train at your next event. WHY?? Your Business or Organization will receive LOTS of Exposure as you ride the wave of his Media Coverage. To inquire further, please email
Orrin is very inspiring and master skilled in the game of Chess. He uses the game of Chess to teach the youths of today lessons on how to think strategically and effectively in the game of Life too...a must see video!

About the Author:
Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd.

Friday, June 13, 2008


If a few seconds of cell phone/blackberry exposure can do this...
What does 5 minutes or 1 hour exposure do to your brain?

About the Author:

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

TRIVIA: When was the first Father's Day celebrated?
The first Father's Day was celebrated in 1910 in Spokane, Washington under the recommendation of Mrs. John B. Dodd. She wanted a special day to commemorate her father William Smart, a Civil War veteran. In 1966, Father's Day became nationally recognized as a holiday.

I have selected 2 Father's Day Tribute Videos to honor my Father, Brother and all the wonderful men in my life!

I hope you enjoy them.


Your Love & Support is MOST APPRECIATED!

About the Author:

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Your Inspiration: "Potato Salad" Triplets Dance

Wow!!! Check out these contortionists dancing!
Make sure you watch after the singing is over...

About the Author:

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom
Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Q#5 - 37 Ways to Reduce YOUR STRESS!!

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), your physical, mental and spiritual health is intimately related to the ability of your body's life energy or Qi (pronounced 'chee'), to flow freely.

Qi is also said to manifest itself in the body as 2 opposing qualities: Yin and Yang. Humans are in dynamic balance with other aspects of nature, we are constantly responding to external and internal influences to maintain balance.
*When we don't adapt, we go out of balance and develop sickness. (Resistance)

Treatments like:
**Acupuncture, Massage, Diet, Herbal Remedies, Exercise, Controlled Breathing, Lifestyle Changes, Mindfulness (being present), and Meditation** are prescribed to restore lost balance and assist you in achieving a healthy, Balanced Life.

This is just a summary that will hopefully give you at least a couple of new insights into your life and inspire you to read more about TCM.

Below is a list of numerous ways you can take action to reduce your Stress Level. If you personally have a different way that you use that works to reduce your stress please post it on the blog for others to benefit from.

37 ways to reduce stress:

  1. Become aware of your own reactions to stress.

  2. Ask for help!

  3. Remove the clutter in your work and home environment!

  4. Reinforce positive self-statements daily.

  5. Focus on your good qualities, strengths and accomplishments.

  6. Avoid unnecessary competition.

  7. Develop assertive behaviors.

  8. Simplify your life and say 'no' way more often.

  9. Recognize and accept your limits. Remember that everyone is unique and different.

  10. Cultivate hobbies that you find interesting. Relax and have fun.

  11. Exercise regularly. ie. dancing, yoga, walking etc.

  12. Eat a balanced diet daily.

  13. Express yourself! Talk with friends or someone you can trust about your worries/problems.

  14. Daily Journaling.. i.e., morning papers etc.

  15. Learn to use your time wisely.

  16. Evaluate/Assess how you're budgeting your time and money.

  17. Avoid emotional spending.. if you're feeling stressed, stay away from shopping of any type!

  18. Plan ahead and avoid idling away the time.

  19. Make a weekly schedule and do your best to follow it.

  20. Set realistic goals: quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily.

  21. Set priorities weekly, then choose your daily priorities.

  22. Recognize that your TO-DO list is not to be finished today.

  23. When studying for an exam, study for short periods and gradually increase the time you spend studying. Take frequent short breaks.

  24. Practice relaxation techniques. For example, whenever you feel tense, slowly breathe in and out for several minutes (this will quiet the mind).

  25. Affirm daily, 'this too shall pass'.

  26. Listen to hypnosis or relaxation CD's daily.

  27. Eliminate TOLERATION from your life as much as possible. Either fix it or Eliminate it. (This is an area that produces -> Huge Energy Drains)

  28. Take an AromaTherapy bath with natural soothing and emotionally healing oils. i.e, sage or lavender

  29. Enjoy a Far Infrared Sauna or scalp massage treatment.

  30. Take a catnap in the early afternoon. (Avoid Sleeping in the later afternoon because it causes you to feel exhausted.)
  31. Connect on a cellular level to the feeling of gratitude for who you are and what you've achieved so far.
  32. Eliminate watching the news on can learn what's going on in the world through headlines online.

  33. Watch your posture when you sit: avoid hunching over - it reduces your oxygen intake and can cause anxiety.
  34. Oregano Oil - natural anti-biotic that energizes the body (I swear by it!)

  35. Eat onion and garlic - they provide a natural chemical for the body to eliminate/reduce anxiety. (Totally True)
  36. Take action on what you've been avoiding - even a tiny tiny action step...just do something. (Procrastination is a huge energy drain)
  37. When overwhelmed - stop ALL YOU'RE DOING! Review your priorities and focus on ONLY Your Highest Priority in that moment. (Remember to breathe and stay present; thinking about everything else all at the same time makes you VERY NON-PRODUCTIVE.)

Next Issue: 'Stressful Situations...'

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Re$ults 360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Q#4 - How to RECOGNIZE Stress?

How to recognize stress?

It is important to acknowledge the signs of stress for yourself, so that you can work out on how to protect yourself and deal with what is causing the stress. What are the warning signs that show that stress has crept into your life?

Normally, people pay lot of attention to things in the outer world that are related to stress such as financial problems, troubles in relationships, and overwhelming responsibilities.

But we do NOT to pay enough attention to our inner worlds, the signals that stress is starting to take its toll on us. Interestingly, we are often quite good at ignoring those internal signals and pushing ourselves even harder. If we keep pushing ourselves, eventually something inside of us will send warning signs that stress is becoming a problem.

The following are some of the symptoms that you need to watch out for:

Physical Symptoms -> Tense muscles, Headaches, Restlessness, Indigestion, Fatigue, Colds, Sweaty Palms, Cold hands, feet, Crying easily, Dizziness, Shallow breathing,

Emotional Symptoms -> Angry outbursts/ bad temper, State of anxiety, Easily discouraged, Nervous laugh, Feeling of insecurity, Edginess, Overwhelming pressure, Feeling helpless, Feeling powerless

Mental Symptoms -> Difficulties in concentrating, Difficulty in making simple decisions, Forgetfulness, Boredom, No new ideas, Workaholism, Loss of humor, Constant worry, Being pessimistic, Lack of creativity, Being self-critical,

Behavioral Symptoms -> Increased alcohol, drug or tobacco use, Nail-biting, Reckless driving, Absenteeism, Expecting too much from others, Sleeping too much or too little, Eating too much or too little, Bossiness, Procrastination, Excess smoking & Excess drinking.

Next week: read full article on things to do to reduce your level of stress. For now, I'd like to offer you 3 out of 18 different ways to get you started right away:

  • Become aware of your own reactions to stress.
  • Reinforce positive self-statements (Affirmations or Daily Mantras).
  • Focus on your good qualities, strengths and accomplishments.

Until next week! Relax....

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results” ~ a weekly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.