Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Q: Einstein's Success Formula

Albert Einstein had a formula for success ~ not surprised right?
If it's measurable it's manageable, so one of the greatest minds of all time developed a mathematical formula for success! Read this carefully—this may be the most important math equation you will ever see.

Einstein said, "If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z.
  • X is work.

  • Y is play.

  • Z is keep your mouth shut.

Einstein no doubt had an excellent sense of humor. So let's look at the 3 variables in this equation.

1. Work 2. Play 3. Keeping your mouth shut!

1. Work: Albert Einstein had a tremendous work ethic (daily discipline of action, focus, determination and persistence) and because of his high ethics, he gave more to society and modern science than any person in recent times.

2. Play: Einstein, did NOT work 24/7 but rather he made time for fun and relaxation. His concept of fun may be different from yours or mine, none-the-less, he devoted some of his life and time to having what he perceives to be fun.

3. Keeping your mouth shut: This one is my personal favorite. The reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth is so that we listen twice as much as we speak. I genuinely believe that the person who speaks the least says the most!

I sometimes hear of those who complain that their partner (male of female) speaks too much. The real reason he's irritated is not that he/she talks too much. It quite simply: he/she is irritated that they aren't able to talk. People who talk too much like talking alot so eventually they will speak in circles repeating themselves and eventually contradicting themselves. This desire and need to speak is often not to hear but to be heard.

Albert Einstein, however, had nothing to prove to anyone. He had no need to be the "Chatty" and showcase his s knowledge. It wasn't important to him to demonstrate his IQ to anyone he met. But rather, he learned the value and power of solitude and quiet.

Practice this week shifitng your mind-set from being a talker to a listener. It's been said that you can make more friends in five minutes by becoming interested in others than you can make in five years of trying to get others interested in you! Read the last sentence AGAIN!!

How do you become interested in others? You ask questions about them and then CLOSE YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Dale Carnegie in his best-selling book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" said, "one of the key premises of this book was that everyone's favorite subject is actually themselves and that the sweetest sound to their ears is the sound of their own name."

Einstein knew this and used this skill. He realized he could influence others by selecting his location to speak and validating others through the courtesy of listening to them.

Food for thought.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

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Q: The 4 Seasons of LIFE ~ By Jim Rohn

"Life is like the changing seasons.
You can't change the seasons, but you can change yourself."

What will happen to you next month or next year? Whatever happens, you should follow certain overriding principles and predictable patterns.

As you enter this world, receive parental instruction, classroom instruction, and gain experience, you may set ambitious goals and dream lofty dreams. However, as the wheel of life turns, you are subject to human emotions and vicissitudes. You must learn to experience changing of lifecycles without being changed by them; to make a constant and conscious effort to improve yourself in the face of changing circumstances.

That is why I believe in the power and value of attitude. As I read about people, their deeds and their destiny, I become more convinced that it is our natural destiny to grow, succeed, prosper, and find happiness here and now in every season of life.

By your attitude, you decide to read, or not to read; try or give up; blame yourself for your failure or blame others; tell the truth or lie; act or procrastinate; advance or recede; and succeed or fail. The God-given gift of free choice enables you to select your own development and achievement—or your own destruction.

You are placed here on earth to develop yourself and enhance your environment. How fascinating that God would leave both projects—earth and people—unfinished! Across the rivers and streams, He built no bridges; He left the pictures unpainted, songs unsung, books unwritten, and space unexplored. To do those things, God created you and gave you the capacity to do some of these things. But it’s your choice. Attitude determines choice, and choice determines results. All that you are and all that you can become has been left to you. For as long as you live, you have the chance to work, and in the cycles and seasons of life, attitude is everything!

Life is like the changing seasons. You can't change the seasons, but you can change yourself.

The first lesson in life is to learn how to handle the winters. They come regularly. Some are long, some are short, some are difficult, some are easy, but they always come right after autumn. There are many kinds of winters: financial winters, social winters, emotional winters, and physical winters—the winter when you can’t figure things out, the winter when everything seems to go wrong, the winter of sickness or disappointment. So you must learn how to handle the winters—the difficulty that always comes after opportunity, the recession that comes after expansion. What can you do about winters? You can get stronger, wiser, and better. The winters won’t change, but you can. Before I understood this truth, I used to wish it was summer when it was winter. When things were difficult, I used to wish they were easy. Now I don’t wish winter were shorter or easier, I wish to be wiser and better. I don’t wish to have fewer problems, I wish to gain more skills. I don’t wish for less challenge; I wish for more wisdom.

"Life is like the changing seasons. You can't change the seasons, but you can change yourself."

Fortunately, following winter comes a season of activity and opportunity called springtime. It is the season for entering the fertile fields of life with seed, knowledge, commitment, and a determined effort. The mere arrival of spring is no sign that things will look great in the fall. You must do something with the spring. Either plant in the spring or go begging in the fall. Take advantage of the opportunity that spring brings. Believe in the promise of spring: as you sow, so shall you also reap. Faith provides you with an irrevocable law: for every disciplined effort you make, you will receive a multiple reward. For each cup you plant, you reap a bushel; for every good you give to another, you shall receive many in return. For every act of faith, you receive many rewards; and for every act of love you show, you receive a life of love in return.

Remember that springtime presents itself ever so briefly. You can be lulled into inactivity by its bounteous beauty. Pause long enough to soak in the aroma of the blossoming flowers, but then get to work, lest you awaken to find springtime gone with your seed still in your sack. With the intelligence, wisdom, and freedom of choice, you can exercise the discipline to plant seeds—in spite of the rocks, weeds, or other obstacles. These won’t destroy all your seeds if you plant intelligently enough.

  • So choose action, not rest.
  • Choose truth, not fantasy;
  • a smile, not a frown;
  • love, not animosity.
  • Choose to work when springtime smiles on your life and
  • to enjoy the good in life in all things.
Spring shows us that life is truly a constant beginning, a constant opportunity. We need only to learn to look once again at life as we did as children, letting fascination and curiosity give us welcome cause to look for the miraculous hidden among the common. Get busy quickly on your springs, your opportunities. There are just a handful of springs that have been handed to each of us. Life is brief, even at its longest. Whatever you are going to do with your life, get at it. Don’t just let the seasons pass by.

In this season of life, learn how to nourish and protect your crops. As soon as you plant seeds, the busy bugs and noxious weeds are out to take things over. And they will take it, unless you prevent it. Know that all good will be attacked, and all values must be defended. Don’t ask why. Just know that it’s true. Let reality be your best beginning. Every garden will be invaded. Social values, political values, friendship values, and business values must be defended. Every garden must be tended all summer. If you don’t tend your garden, you’ll never have much of real value. But for those who make diligent efforts to plant, protect, and preserve, there are not enough birds, bugs, or other obstacles to destroy all the efforts of last spring.

Fall is the time to harvest the fruits of your springtime labor. You can learn how to reap in the fall without apology if you have done well and without complaint if you have not. Nothing is more exciting than bringing in a bounteous crop, and nothing more dreadful than facing a barren field in the fall. In all areas, what you put into this world, you get back from it. It is nature’s way of evening the score. So regardless of the results, take full responsibility for your crop. The highest form of maturity is accepting full responsibility for your life.

Life is constantly recycling itself, and part of your challenge is learning to change with the seasons and balance opposites: day/night, good/evil, life/death, water/land, summer/winter, recession/expansion, joy/sorrow. You face many challenges and changes, but you will continue to have one winter, spring, summer, and fall each year.

Success Each Season:

Much of your success will lie in your attitude and ability:

  1. to plant in the springtime of opportunity,
  2. to weed and cultivate in the testing time of summer,
  3. to harvest without apology or complaint in the season of fall, and
  4. to get stronger, wiser, better in the transition and learning times of winter.

It is not what happens to you that determines your future—
it is how you respond and what you do about it.

***A wonderful article by Jim Rohn with Enormous Wisdom;
I hope you enjoyed it.***

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Your Biz: Sales Tips!



48% of sales people NEVER follow up with a prospect

25% of sales people make a 2 contact and Stop

12% of sales people only make 3 contacts and Stop

10% (ONLY) of sales people make MORE than 3 contacts

* * * * * * * * *


2% of sales are made on the 1st contact

3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact

5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact

10% of sales are made on the 4th contact

80% of sales are made on the 5th - 12th contact

Be honest with yourself. . .where are you on this scale? Don't expect to run before you stand or walk especially if you're sales performance is only at stopping at the 1st contact.

How about committing to increasing your performance at least bare minimum to sales level of making 2 contacts per person this year - that would only yield you an extra 1%. Having said that, this small increase would be a good start in developing the discipline necessary to accomplish outstanding results. Allow yourself to succeed by setting doable targets.

Remember, there is no penalty for over achieving but you must first achieve something.

  1. Commit to improving your sales skills today and every day,
  2. Set a doable target of either calling prospects you have never called yet or
  3. Calling a prospect an additional time even though they may not be interested.

You never know. . . keep in mind, when someone says 'no' to you all that means is 'not now'.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Monday, December 15, 2008

Your Inspiration: Who I Am Makes A Difference (Video)

Who I Am Makes A Difference!

Get Your 2 Ribbons & Pass Them On To 2 People You Know....

A VERY Heart Touching Video!

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Your Health: Big FAT Lies - Continued!

In a recent book entitled, "Eat FAT Look THIN" by Bruce Fife, ND. I discovered the biggest lie of the century! What vegetable oils were originally made for and how these oils affect the human body. I'm sure, when I share this newly found information with people, some might think I'm 'nuts'. As nuts as I maybe perceived, that does not deter me...if I can be the thread of doubt that causes them to look further into this, I have achieved my goal.

We mentioned that consuming Mono-unsaturated & Saturated fats are vitally necessary for your body to produce adequate hormone levels and the Thyroid gland produces 98% of the body's hormones. If you haven't read the last article, I recommend you please read it first on my blog and then read this one.

Fats and oils contain a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Vegetable oils contain the highest percentage of polyunsaturated oils. Animal fats come from the flesh of animals and from milk. The vast majority of our vegetable oils comes from seeds such as cottonseed, sunflower seeds, safflower seeds and rapeseed (canola), but even grains (eg. corn), legumes (eg. soybeans and peanuts) and nuts (eg. almonds, walnuts, coconuts are seeds. Some oils come from fruits (eg. olive and avocado)

A healthy weight-loss diet must include adequate amounts of fat, and it must be the RIGHT KIND OF FAT.

Here's a chart of oils and their percentages of each fat ranking from best to worst:

POLYuns.. . MONOun. . . Saturated
Coconut: 2% 6% 92%
Palm kernel: 2% 12% 86%
Butter: 4% 30% 66%
Olive: 9% 77% 14%
Palm: 10% 39% 51%
Avocado: 14% 74% 12%
Almond: 18% 73% 9%

Chicken fat: 22% 47% 31%
Apricot: 31% 63% 6%
Canola: 31% 62% 7%
Peanut: 34% 48% 18%
Sesame: 43% 42% 15%
Cottonseed: 54% 19% 27%
Soybean: 61% 24% 15% (the most toxic oil on earth)
Corn: 62% 25% 13%
Walnut: 66% 24% 10%
Sunflower: 69% 20% 11%
Safflower 78% 13% 9%

As you can see from the chart the highest Saturated oil is Coconut. Others may try to scare you, though it is high in saturated fat - it contains ZERO cholesterol. It is the oil/fat of choice for ALL Athletes and they are the healthiest in societies.

Most people if asked which oils are the healthiest and which ones are not, they would respond polyunsaturated vegetable oils and saturated fats are the worst. These people have been deceived, contrary to what the vegetable oil industry has has us believe, POLYunsaturated oils carry far more health risks than do MONOunsaturated, Saturated fats or Cholesterol.

One of the biggest changes we've made this century has been they type of oils we consume. Our ancestors consumed butter, lard, coconut oil, palm oils and olive oil for the most part and they lived for thousands of years without the widespread of serious degenerative diseases that are present today.

How is it made?
In the refining process, the oil is separated from it source with heat and hydraulic pressure. After the first pressing, the remaining pulp is treated further with additional heat, pressure and petroleum solvents. The oils is then boiled to evaporate the toxic solvents. The oil is refined, bleached, and deodorized involving heating to temperatures of about 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Chemical preservatives are frequently added to retard oxidation. Modern processing removes all the non-oil components of the seed, making the oil essentially, colorless, tasteless, odorless and completely lacking nutrients. These oils provide lots of calories but little nutrition. Almost all of the vegetable oils sold in stores today are of this type.
Use oils that smell like the foods from which they come from. Olive oil should taste like the fresh olives and almonds should taste like almonds, unless it has been heavily refined.
However, oils such as Soybean oil has a very disagreeable flavor and must be deodorized to make it palatable. Unprocessed soybean oil has a horrible taste and must undergo harsh extraction and chemical treatments to remove its displeasing flavor - therefore it is always highly processed and unfit to eat.
Hydrogenation was developed by Proctor and Gamble company in 1907. It is the process that transforms liquid oils into a solid fat that would be cheap and used in place of lard and tallow in making soap and candles. The success of their cheap imitation lard boosted company profits and before long, they reasoned why not sell it as food since it resembled lard!!!

How is OIL Hydrogenated?

The process of hydrogenation begins with refined vegetable oils mostly from Soybean oil. The oil is mixed with tiny metal particles - usually nickel oxide, which is very toxic and impossible to completely remove- to act as a chemical catalyst. Under high pressures and temperatures hydrogen gas is squeezed into the oil and chemically bonded to the fat molecules. Emulsifiers and starch are then forced into the mixture to give it a better consistency. The mixture is again subjected to high temperatures in a steam-cleaning process to remove it horrible odor. They hydrogenated process is now complete, but the resulting oil is a disgusting gray color, more like what you'd expect to see in a jar of axle grease, so it is bleached to give it a more appetizing white appearance. The final result is hydrogenated vegetable oil, or as we see it on the store shelves, shortening. This mixture is compressed and packaged in blocks or tubs, ready to be enjoyed on a slice of bread. Just knowing how margarine and shortening are made is enough to keep me from eating them. . . (yikes).

Liquid vegetable oils you buy from the store aren't much better. The heat used in the extraction and refining process also creates trans fatty acids. So that bottle of corn or safflower oil you have on the kitchen shelf contains trans fatty acids even though it has not been hydrogenated. Unless the vegetable oil has been 'cold pressed' or 'expeller pressed' it contains an average of 15% trans fatty acids. In comparison, margarine and shortening average about 35% but some brands can run as high as 48%.

Saturated fats from any source are much more resistant to temperatures used in cooking, do not form trans fatty acids therefore, making better cooking oils. Saturated fats are the safest to use in cooking.

{"When someone comes to me and says, "I'm always tired, what can I do to get more energy without taking drugs or using caffeine?"
My answer is quick and simple, "Use coconut oil."} ~ Dr. Bruce Fife

Coconut oil can give you more energy and help you lose weight if you don't over do it by consuming more calories than your body needs to fuel daily activities.
The biggest major difference between coconut oil and any other fats is in the way it is digested and metabolized. Coconut oil is a MCFA - Medium Chain Fatty Acid. Most other fats whether they are Saturated or Unsaturated are in the form of LCFA - Long Chain Fatty Acid. MCFA are much smaller and size makes a big difference.

LCFA are fats that are slowly broken down by digestive enzymes into units small enough to be absorbed through the intestinal wall. As they pass through the intestinal lining they are gathered together and packaged into little bundles of fat (lipid) and protein called lipoproteins. these lipoproteins are sent into the bloodstream where they circulate throughout the body. As they circulate in the blood, the fats are distributed to all the tissues of the body. These are the fats that end up on artery walls and fill up fat cells. this is how fat builds up in our fat tissues. These lipoproteins continue to circulate in the bloodstream until most all of the fat is distributed. Cholesterol, monounsaturated fat, and polyunsatured fat are all packaged together into lipoproteins and carried throughout the body in this way. The vast majority of fats you eat every day are made up of LCFA.
Medium Chain - MCFA in coconut oil, however are processed differently. Because of their smaller size, MCFA don't require pancreatic enzymes for digestion. By the time these fats reach the intestinal tract, they are already broken down into individual molecules. Instead of being absorbed through the intestinal wall like LCFA, they are channeled directly into the liver. Here they are converted into energy to fuel metabolism. MCFA are not packaged into lipoproteins like other fats, so they don't circulate througout the body adding fat to fat cells. Coconut oil goes to the liver to produce energy, not body fat. This difference in the way your body processes MCFA is very important in respect to metabolism and body weight.

That sums it up. . . I highly recommend this book (I don't get a penny recommending it).
It contains recipes of food combinations for all 3 major meals and how to incorporate coconut oil with every meal. He even has recipes for making healthy mayonaise using healthy fats. I hope I have sparked a fire inside you to take better care of your health... you have a great tool in your possession right now - spread the word, take personal action and be accountable to your weight and health!

Your Coach,


Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

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Your Inspiration: "One Can Make A Difference" Video

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Your Biz: 83 (Targetted) Leads in 14 seconds?? View Demo

I didn't believe it a first,
until my good friend Dr. Mike
let me in on a very cool
software application that...
finds prospects and leads who
are ALREADY LOOKING for your
product and service.
You'll have to see it for

Check out this demo now.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Friday, December 12, 2008

Your Health: Do Flu Shorts Work? What prevents the Flu?

Find out what prevents the flu AND what vitamin treats it best
Visit Dr Mercola's response video on his website.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Friday, December 5, 2008

Your Inspiration: "One Can Make A Difference" Video

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Monday, December 1, 2008

Your Health: Big FAT Lies..(Are you in need of an OIL Change?)

During my recent trip to the health food store, Margot, the owner gave me a book to read entitled, "Eat FAT Look THIN" by Bruce Fife, ND. It's a 280 page book that I read in less than 48 hours. I couldn't put it down. She wanted me to learn about Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome (a treatable thyroid problem) that traditional blood tests DO NOT detect and what are the recommended remedies.

I have been hypothyroid for 15 years and I thought I was eating the right foods. Well. . . I was blown away by what foods slow down Thyroid function. The most toxic consumable oil on earth is Soybean Oil, and Soy/Tofu is the worst food to eat guaranteed to slow down your Thyroid/metabolism. (I had soy milk every day for over 2 years)

Here is what Dr. Fife said about fat to understand the bigger picture:
"Without fats, your cells would become shapeless puddles of water mixed with miscellaneous cellular debris. The cells in your heart, lungs, kidneys, and every other organ are dependent on fat to hold them together. Your brain is composed of 60% fat and cholesterol. To put it bluntly, a healthy intelligent brain is full of fat. Dietary fats are used to make hormones, prostaglandins that control and regulate bodily functions. Vitamin D, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and many other hormones are constructed out of cholesterol. Even cholesterol is made from fat. Fat & cholesterol are used as building blocks for many hormones.

A diet lacking fat can seriously reduce the efficiency of your immune system and thus make you more susceptible to disease."

But not all fats are created equal. . .buyer beware!

Do you know how the vegetable oil(s) industry was born & what it was used for initially?
[History] -- An Industrial Oil Becomes a Food: Polyunsaturated vegetable oils oxidize (go rancid) very quickly, they cannot be stored more than a few days. Crude extraction methods leave a high % of impurities in the oil that produces an awful smell and flavor when the oil begins to spoil. When oil oxidizes it hardens so this proved advantageous for industrial use.

The first paints and varnishes were made out of vegetable oils. A number of industrial products were reated from these oils-paint thinner, lacquer, linoleum, ink etc. With the invention of the modern hydraulic press and the development of chemical extraction methods vegetable oil production increased during the 1st half of the 20th century. Before WW2, soybean and other polyunsaturated oils were used almost exclusively for industrial purposes. When chemist learned how to make cheaper oil-based paint from petroleum, the seed oil industry found itself facign a dwindling market.

At that time, farmers were experimenting with different ways to make their animals fatter on less expensive feed. The seed industry began marketing their products as an additive to animal feed. Farmers discovered that corn and soybean oil not only added more calories but also had an antithyroid effect that caused the animal to be fattened at a much lower cost. The only problem was that animals also developed tumors and other degenerative health problems. Since diseased cattle have severe economic consequences, the cattle industry stopped using vegetable oils.

Now if you can believe this, the vegetable oil producers , knowing what they know already began a new marketing strategy: to focus more heavily on selling their products for human consumption. The vegetable oil industry spearheaded an aggressive campaign to discredit saturated fats (animal fats, palm, coconut, olive etc) and promoted their polyunsaturated vegetable oils. They flooded the media with news promoting the use of vegetable oils. By the mid 1950's vegetable oils finally exceeded sales and butter sales declined.

A problem we now face is that vegetable oils are doing the same thing to humans as they did the farm animals - being fat and sick! For thousands of years people were eating saturated fats without having any harmful effects, but as soon as we replaced them with polyunsaturated vegetable oils, waistlines began expanding, cancer, diabetes and other degenerative conditions have shot through the roof. Look at the ingredient labels in the foods you buy. Consider the amount of cooking oil, shortening, and margarine you use. Vegetable oils are in almost all our foods nowadays.

I'm sharing this with you, because I'm sure this will be new to you. I'm outraged that all vegetable oils at restaurants and fastfood places are hydrogenated vegetables which means transfat. That's what our young children are eating sadly.

I am educating anyone I come in contact about this and I'm hoping we can have a movement that can change this industry back to health. I personally have taken steps to eating healthy oils. . . without your health what do you have to enjoy?

Next issue:
List of healthy saturated fats.
How vegetable oils are made? Understanding the metabolism of fats: difference between LCFA - Long Chain Fatty Acid & Medium Chain Fatty Acid.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
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Q: HELP. . . How to hire a Virtual Assistant?

"There is no such thing as a self-made man.
You will reach your goals only with the help of others."
Gearge Shinn, Owner of Charlotte Hornets basketball team

If you want to have the ultimate leverage, you must find team players and not always do they have to be employees. Consider hiring Virtual Assistants who are hired on contract basis AKA 1099 in the USA.

Hiring Virtual Assistants can be a huge leverage of your time and resources. If you haven't hired anyone yet on your team, consider hiring the following Starter Team for growing your business.
A 'Starter Team' consists of: Bookkeeper, Administrative Support & Internet/Technical Support.

Before rushing to hire someone, there are 4 rules to creating a winning TEAM and it begins with you FIRST:

1) Create Your Inner and Outer Leadership Plan
2) Take accountability for Your End Results
3) Be disciplined in Focusing on Your Highest Payoff Activities
4) Be ruthless in delegating everything else

In rule #1- there are 4 areas you need to grow and develop to become a confident successful leader:

  • Mindset (CEO Mindset, confident, decisive) ,
  • Actions (must have ruthless time management, regular check ins, leveraging others talents, superior planning & communication),
  • Environment (Systemize work flow, information sharing tools, open positive communication, surround self with other successful leaders)
  • and Knowledge (know when to Manage vs. Lead, awareness of personal strengths & weaknesses, best technology & resources for Virtual Teams)

ACTION: Examine these 4 rules and ask yourself where do you fall short? What are you already doing that's supporting your professional growth?

Rule #2 - Taking Accountability for your End Results - what you ultimate want to create.

  • Ask yourself where do you want to be in 3 years both personally and professionally?
  • What are you doing today specifically that is supporting you in being on track for your End Result?
  • What kind of TEAM do you need to create in the next 90 days to ensure that you will be on track?
  • Write out this process even if you're not 100% clear right now of what you ultimately want. By writing what you do know down, you'll be on the road to clarity a whole lot sooner.

Next issue we'll cover #3 & #4, but for now if you want to fully benefit from this process - I support you to keep up to date every 2 weeks.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008


Thank you for your support in selecting your Favorite Logo!

You now have 2 distinct logos to choose from...

hopefully this is the final time.

Thanks again for your support and participation!

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Q: How to Avoid Controlling Relationships?!?

What Are Signs of a Controlling Relationship?

A controlling relationship does not just happen to you...on the contrary, anyone who's been involved in a controlling relationship will tell you they experienced early warning signs in the relationship that they either ignored, or worse, felt flattered by them. (yikes!)

Some signs of a controlling relationship may be initially subtle and even feel flattering early on. But as the relationship intensifies, the controlling behaviour becomes more apparently disturbing and less flattering to say the least.

Examples of Controlling Behavior:
  • Asking who you were speaking with on the telephone
  • “Unexpectedly” showing up
  • Asking you to wear particular clothing or to behave in a particular way

These are all early signs of a controlling relationship.

The problem, of course, is that your new boyfriend/girlfriend may genuinely want to surprise you, or love to see you in a red dress or blazer and have no hidden agenda.

So, how do you determine if your relationship is headed out of your control?Controlling relationships have a clear division of power. If you wanted to express to your partner that they are behaving too controlling, how would they respond or react?

a) A non-controlling person - would likely respond with 'surprise or maybe hurt feelings'

b) A controlling person - would become defensive, making the partner feel bad for bringing up the subject so that they would apologize for thinking anything was wrong.

This is a clear warning sign of being in a controlling relationship. Why? Because the controlling partner is laying down the groundwork for the partner NOT to complain in the future by causing them too much grief and upset.

If you know what to look for in a healthy relationship,
it is easy to recognize a controlling person.

How do you avoid entering into a relationship with someone who is controlling? By taking things ssss l o w!

  • Controlling relationships frequently develop rapidly.
  • If the relationship seems to be developing too quickly, slow it down!
  • Step back from the relationship and carefully consider how your partner is behaving.
  • A controlling partner will be offended at your reservations, and instead of stepping back to give you space, they will step forward, trying to push the relationship forward even as you withdraw.

What to do if you find yourself in a controlling relationship?

  • Often very controlling relationships are quite unhealthy and emotionally strenuous/draining. If you feel comfortable ending this type of relationship, do so.
  • If, however, your safety is a concern, consider speaking with an officer, counsellor or family member or friend.
  • Once you make the break, it's advisable NOT to agree to meet, “just 1 more time” and take any personal belongings you need to return or exchange...consider only meeting in a public place.

If you choose to stay with your controlling partner, you must ->

  • 1st take 100% accountability for your happiness in the relationship.
  • 2nd, face your fear of confrontation and finally stand up for yourself.
  • 3rd, confront your partner that you are aware of their controlling tactics and that behavior is not acceptable for you.
  • 4th, share what you desire in a healthy loving non-controlling partner and as I mentioned in a previous issue,
  • 5th, be willing to have your partner be angry with you temporarily.

This will teach your partner that controlling behavior will not receive the typical payoff they were accustomed to having - your submissiveness. Only with balance can you have a healthy relationship that nurtures trust and integrity.

For further assistance, consider having couples counselling or coaching to overcome your unhealthy relationship habits.


Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
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Friday, November 14, 2008

PLEASE VOTE: Please SELECT your Favorite LOGO!!

Click on the image to Enlarge.

1) Please CHOOSE your favorite logo and make note of its corresponding number.

2) Go back to the blog and at the top right hand corner with gray background there is an area for you to vote for your favorite logo.

3) Ps. #3 logo the 'r' can be made like #2.

I need to make a final decision by Monday morning November 17th for the winning logo.

Please make your choice ASAP because what you like matters to me.

Your help and support is greatly appreciated!


Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Your Inspiration: Elephant Artist VIDEO!!

This is TRULY AMAZING and Remarkable!

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Your Health: FR.EE ~ Dental Health & Organ Chart

We've all heard of Pharaohs and Queens in the past dying at young ages from tooth/teeth infection(s).

Have you ever wondered why?

I discovered a chart that links every tooth in your mouth to every major organ in your body. That means if you develop or have a tooth ailment/infection/etc that infection will be passed onto the corresponding organ...amazing!!

Check out this chart (it's free - other places online charge $15 for it) and see for yourself. It's very fascinating!

NOTE: I also found out that mercury filings, that have been commonly used for decades, actually have 56% mercury in them. Some Doctors claim they are safe, while other Doctors say, that 'no amount or levels of mercury are ever safe' since they are continuously releasing fumes into the body.

If you're interested and would like to sign the petition to stop the use of Mercury in fillings, here is the PETITION to view.

Until next time...don't you have even more reason and motivation now to floss your teeth?

Your Coach,

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Your Business: Hot Tips #6-#10 (Part 2 of 2) From Richard Branson

If you don’t already know who S. Richard Branson is, he’sballooned across the Atlantic; he’s signed the Sex Pistols, Janet Jackson, Boy George and all kinds of famous musicians; he has been knighted by the queen. His company Virgin is home to more than 350 companies, fromgyms, gambling houses and bridal boutiques to fleets of planes, trains andlimousines. He even owns his own island, Necker Island.Now, Richard Branson is moving onward and upward into spacetourism.

His company Virgin Galactic is slated to start carryingpassengers into the thermosphere in 2009, at a whopping $200,000 aticket, which is probably a good deal for space travel. Anyway, Branson also has a philanthropic streak. He’s pledged the next 10 years of profits from his transportation empire, an amount that’s expected to reach $3-billion, to the development of renewable alternatives to carbon fuels. His company has revenues of $25-billion a year. He has over 50,000 employees; he knows a lot of people, and knows a lot of stuff about running a business.

He offered the following 6 through 10 HOTTEST TIPS! (To view Tips #1-#5 - Checkout 'Your Business' Post dated November 1, 2008.)

6. You have to be a good delegator. You’ve got to try to find people who are better than yourself to delegate to. You’ve then got to stand back and give them a lot of freedom to make mistakes, as well as to make good things.

7. It’s important to realize that if working is 80 percent of your life, it should be fun. You can take certain aspects of business seriously, but once you’ve dealt with the safety issues the rest should be fun and can be fun.

8. As an entrepreneur, you’ve got to love a challenge and you’ve got to be willing to push the limits beyond what other people think is impossible. Never accept 'no' for an answer. A successful entrepreneur just loves to prove people wrong.

9. Get your brand on the map. Getting your brand or your company’s name out and about is absolutely critical, particularly if you’re a consumer-oriented brand. You have to be willing to use yourself, as well as your dollars you spend on advertising, to get your brand on the map. Often a good PR story is far more effective (and cheaper) than a full-page ad.

10. Have a “yes” mentality. You’re going to get so much more out of life if you just say yes at every opportunity.

Commit to applying at least one of these tips today in your business!

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Your Business: (Part 1) 5 of 10 Hottest Tips From Richard Branson!!

If you don’t already know who S. Richard Branson is, he’s
ballooned across the Atlantic; he’s signed the Sex Pistols, Janet Jackson, Boy George and all kinds of famous musicians; he has been knighted by the queen.

His company Virgin is home to more than 350 companies, from
gyms, gambling houses and bridal boutiques to fleets of planes, trains and
limousines. He even owns his own island, Necker Island.

Now, Richard Branson is moving onward and upward into space
His company Virgin Galactic is slated to start carrying
passengers into the thermosphere in 2009, at a whopping $200,000 a
ticket, which is probably a good deal for space travel.

Anyway, Branson also has a philanthropic streak. He’s pledged the
next 10 years of profits from his transportation empire, an amount that’s expected to reach $3-billion
, to the development of renewable alternatives to carbon fuels.

His company has revenues of $25-billion a year. He has over 50,000 employees; he knows a lot of people, and knows a lot of stuff about running a business.

He offered the following 5 of 10 HOTTEST TIPS!
  1. “Success is creating something that I can be proud of.” It is creating something that really makes a difference, that maybe shakes up whole industries and actually results in people’s lives never being quite the same again, and hopefully, for the better.

  2. With wealth comes extreme responsibility. The problem with capitalism is that a few individuals become extremely wealthy. It's still the best model!

  3. A Social Entrepreneur: Someone who uses their entrepreneurial skills to tackle social problems.

    (Branson spends 25% of his time on New Ventures; 25% on Marketing; 10% firefighting and 40% of his time tackling social issues)

  4. Be extremely careful not to criticize people. Make sure you look for the best in people and lavish praise on people.

    (Branson has a genuine love for people! He remembers being praised by his parent at a very young age.)

  5. The absolute key is being a good listener. Do something about the suggestions that your staff will tell you.

    (Branson suggested you take your staff out once a week to unwind. Listen carefully to what your staff tell you and make sure you have a notepad with you to take down all the suggestions. The key here is to take action on what was said the very next day.)

Hot TIPS #6-#10 Next Issue ~ November 15, 2008

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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Friday, October 31, 2008

Your Inspiration: Please VOTE! Choose WHO Gets $1M. . .

Trip Advisor wants to give away $1 Million to ONE of these 5 organizations:

Click on the 'name' of the organization below to view their short video and vote for your choice!

These organizations are all important however, I realized without taking care of our environment, our health as adults will deteriorate and won't be there for the children. Nature is at cross roads right now and we are the generation that has to ACT.

One statement that resonated with me deeply "...the next 10 years will shape the next 1000 years here on earth..." 2-3 organizations below are addressing this issue.
  1. Conservation International
  2. Doctors Without Borders
  3. National Geographic
  4. The Nature Conservancy
  5. Save the Children
Together or individually, we can make a difference but ONLY if we ACT!

Your Coach,

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Your Health: Are you eating Cancer?

The Dangers of Processed Meats...A MUST SEE VIDEO!

I have to admit that once I saw this video my son and I stay clear from it. I take it upon myself to inform anyone who will listen to me to let them know the truth about what they're eating.

Video by Mike Adams (NaturalNews)

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Q: Relationships...I NEED My Partner to Open His Heart...(2) Videos

The Work: By Byron Katie
If you've ever blamed your Partner/Spouse that they don't open their heart enough or your relationship feels one-sided, you owe it to yourself to take watch at least 1 of these short videos!

Video #1 - I Need My Partner To Open His Heart...

Video #2 - My Mother is Selfish and Controlling...

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Your Health: #1 for Eliminating Acid Reflux, Heartburn & More...Naturally!!!

Do you suffer from Acid Reflux, Heartburn OR worse...?

For most heartburn and acid reflux sufferers, there are only a few common medications out there and none of them are
100% natural without side effects.

My father has been suffering from both Acid Reflux and Heartburn for over 20 years. Conventional Doctors have only provided him with pharmaceuticals medication - ie. antacids and prescription meds etc...
I don't know about you, but I've never been a fan of anything unnatural inside my body that causes other problems just to fix one issue. Usually artificial meds harm something else in the process of helping you.

In my search for preventive natural cures to Cancer, I came across a reputable website that recommended this company's product below. I'm dedicated to always sharing anything of value with you - check out this product and see if you or anyone you know could benefit from knowing about this.

This product is 100% natural with NO side effects.

It's good for: heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux or GERD

Please help those you love by providing them with natural alternative remedies.

I also came across other remedies:

For cancer, check out the '7 Herb Formula''ll need to scroll down to find bottle titled '7-herb formula'.

Colon Cancer: learn more here

Natural treatment and prevention of Colon Cancer

Foods that kill - learn more here.

I know some of you have family members that are suffering from these ailments and I wish your loved ones complete recovery and great health once again.

Please be PROACTIVE with YOUR HEALTH - Don't leave your health in the hands of your doctors...ALWAYS USE YOUR OWN JUDGMENT!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Q: The Foundation of A GREAT Relationship is____!

Can you image if every couple maintained the closeness and intimacy they felt when they began dating and first married, then divorce might disappear!!
  1. What can you do to preserves the closeness in your relationship?
  2. If you feel as if the closeness is already gone, what can you do to get it back?

Remember when you first began dating your partner.

  • What were you attracted to in this person? Do you even remember?
  • Do you still find these things attractive today? If not, why not?

Preserving or resurrecting closeness/intimacy in a relationship takes work. Although love comes easily, it will take more effort to keep it going.

There is a common thread with the older couples who shared several decades of a successful and happy marriage together.

What is it? Respect they feel for one another; many also refer to each other as his or her best friend.

Here lies the key.

Once the initial infatuation/love fades, there needs to be a foundation for a deep, lasting relationship. Couples may still experience those butterflies but only occasionally. The reason? This person has become almost as familiar to them as their own skin. This is why a deeper bond/connection is needed.

A solid relationship MUST begin with RESPECT.

  1. Respect means that you're willing to put that person’s needs above your own desires at times.
  2. That means, you're concerned about your partner’s physical and emotional health.
  3. You are willing and eager to go out of your way to treat your partner better than you would anyone else. If you notice that you're treating your friends and co-workers better than you do your own spouse, then something seriously wrong.

Without respect the relationship will dissolve.

If respect and consideration is something you haven’t yet cultivated in your own relationship, you may have difficulties incorporating this concept into daily living. If you're dedicated, willing to be patient and make continued effort, you'll see a difference in your relationship. Even if your partner is not reciprocating this treat, BEGIN, you can be the change you seek in the world, and consciously treat your your partner with respect and kindness, eventually RESPECTFUL treatment will become a habit.

You must be the first one to begin this process, even if your partner doesn't treat you in this manner. Hopefully over time, he/she will come around and reciprocate the respect back to you and you'll finally have admiration for one another again.

Aim to treat your partner as your special friend especially with whom you share your hopes, dreams, doubts, and fears etc. You can absolutely still have other friends to share with which is important, valuable and healthy. But, if you really need a special friend wouldn't you want to try to find this with your spouse, also? This is the person you vowed to spend your life with. This is the person who has seen you at your best and at your worst.

If you feel you must turn to someone else and never find a confidante in your spouse, then something must be missing. Before you reach out to communicate with your best friend, reach out and speak with your spouse about what is on your mind.

Share your innermost thoughts and feelings with him or her. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much closer you'll feel to each other.

Lastly, it is healthy to have interests separate and apart from your partner. This is one reason that makes you interesting to your partner. Find some activities and interests that you can share together and also continue some activities that are uniquely you.

If you're not sure what those activities might be, think back to when you first began dating. What did you do together? What were the interests that you shared? Even if you aren’t in the position to do all of those activities, now, you still may be able to recreate some of the old fireworks simply by reminiscing together. You can keep the intimacy in your relationship, and you can awaken the closeness you once shared. It may take time and effort, but you will both be happier because you made the effort to make it happen in your life and relationship.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
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Your Inspiration: W Mitchell VIDEO - "It's Not What Happens To You That Matters"

Undefeated by a blazing motorcycle accident and a paralyzing plane crash, Mitchell learned to take responsibility for the countless changes in his life. Based on his real-life experiences and the remarkable achievements that followed his accidents, worldwide organizations now seek his insight and proven strategies.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Monday, October 13, 2008

Your Business: FREE 28 Minute Opt-In Page Tutoria

I found a great business tool for you to learn from...

It's a 28 minute video on how to create an optin page that works... 100% of the time.
What's an optin page? It's also known as the landing page online.
It's an area that provides visitors only ONE OPTION: to Enter Their Name and Email Address. Only after that are they able to enter your main website and see more of your products and services.

It's really quite simple and extremely affective!!

You and I both know that it's important to build your email list from targeted prospects interested in what you have to offer.

That process will always start with your OptIn page.

If you don't have a high converting optin page, everything else suffers.
But it goes beyond just building "the list"...there are many benefits...

What's the benefit of creating an optin page that works really well?
Well quite simply you'll experience:
- Higher sales conversions
- Lower advertising costs
- More backend product sales

and so much more!

free video explains exactly how to set up one of these special landing matter what your product or service.


P.S When you click on the
link, just optin (put your name and email) and you'll be able to watch the video right away.

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Your Health: 7 Foods for a GRREAT SLEEP!

Sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing. It allows our body to rejuvenate and restore itself. Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of aging. Tiredness can also affect your mood and how you feel.

Chronic tiredness can increase your risk of depression and anxiety.
  • It contributes to the way that you respond and react to the people around you.
  • It affects your cognitive ability and your ability to use your brain.
  • This can cause you to be less constructive and creative. It can also decrease your ability to think quickly which may impair your ability to drive or do daily tasks.

There is no set amount of time that everyone needs to sleep, since it varies from person to person. Studies indicate that people are generally most effective when they sleep an average of 7 hours, but people can find anywhere between 5 and 7 hours okay for them.

Insomnia can be caused by deficiencies in certain nutrients. The foods that we eat can help us to gain those nutrients and help us sleep.

These 7 super foods can help us get a good night's sleep at last so that we can feel refreshed and energized in our daily life.
  1. Bananas: are a delicious sleepy time fruit. They balance melatonin and serotonin levels, which are the neurotransmitters necessary for deep sleep. They also contain magnesium, which is a muscle relaxant.

  2. Chamomile tea: is a mild sedative that calms and relaxes, making it the perfect natural antidote for restless minds and bodies.

  3. Honey: While sugar is stimulating, honey helps the brain to turn off because it contains orexin, a recently discovered neurotransmitter that's linked to alertness.

  4. Potatoes: contain tryptophan, which will ensure you get your ZZZs.

  5. Oatmeal: Oats are a rich source of sleep inducing melatonin

  6. Almonds: A handful of my favorite food can help one relax and unwind because they contain the snooze helping nutrients tryptophan and magnesium.

  7. Flaxseeds: are a rich source omega-3 fatty acids, which make them a natural mood lifter. They are one of the 7 super foods for a good night's rest.
Now you are equipped to add these super foods to your nightly diet so that you can enjoy a better night's sleep. Don't settle for sleeping mediocre, go for the GOLD! ~ Take Action...

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Your Inspiration: Guide-To-Your-Life QUOTES...

I came across these quotes and thought you'd enjoy reading them too. They're great for a perspective shift!!

  • "Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret." ~ Ambrose Bierce
  • "Never work before breakfast; [even] if you have to work before [it's time for] breakfast, get your breakfast first." ~ Josh Billings
  • "If you want people to think well of you, do not speak well of yourself." ~ Blaise Pascal
  • "For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." Lily Tomlin
  • "From a worldly point of view, there is no mistake so great as that of always being right." ~ Samuel Butler
  • "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." ~ The Dalai Lama
  • "If you accept your limitations, you go beyond them." ~ Brendan Behan

I hope you've enjoyed seeing life from a new perspective even if it only lasted 1 minute...

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
Sign up now if you're ready to:
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*Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
*And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

Your Money: *The Common Sense Fix* Document

Though I'm Canadian, I thought this would be worth reading for any US Citizen...I received this document entitled, "the Common Sense Fix" in my inbox from a previous client and thought you may want to read makes perfect sense to me. I've copy/pasted the document below.

The Common Sense Fix

Years of bad decisions and stupid mistakes have created an economic nightmare in this country, but $700 billion in new debt is not the answer. As a tax-paying American citizen, I will not support any congressperson who votes to implement such a policy. Instead, I submit the following three-step Common Sense Plan.


a. Insure the subprime bonds/mortgages with an underlying FHA-type insurance. Government-insured and backed loans would have an instant market all over the world, creating immediate and needed liquidity.

b. In order for a company to accept the government-backed insurance, they must do two things:

1. Rewrite any mortgage that is more than three months delinquent to a 6% fixed-rate mortgage.

a. Roll all back payments with no late fees or legal costs into the balance. This brings homeowners current and allows them a chance to keep their homes.

b. Cancel all prepayment penalties to encourage refinancing or the sale of the property to pay off the bad loan. In the event of foreclosure or short sale, the borrower will not be held liable for any deficit balance. FHA does this now, and that encourages mortgage companies to go the extra mile while working with the borrower—again limiting foreclosures and ruined lives.

2. Cancel ALL golden parachutes of EXISTING and FUTURE CEOs and executive team members as long as the company holds these government-insured bonds/mortgages. This keeps underperforming executives from being paid when they don’t do their jobs.

c. This backstop will cost less than $50 billion—a small fraction of the current proposal.


a. Remove mark to market accounting rules for two years on only subprime Tier III bonds/mortgages. This keeps companies from being forced to artificially mark down bonds/mortgages below the value of the underlying mortgages and real estate.

b. This move creates patience in the market and has an immediate stabilizing effect on failing and ailing banks—and it costs the taxpayer nothing.


a. Remove the capital gains tax completely. Investors will flood the real estate and stock market in search of tax-free profits, creating tremendous—and immediate—liquidity in the markets. Again, this costs the taxpayer nothing.

b. This move will be seen as a lightning rod politically because many will say it is helping the rich. The truth is the rich will benefit, but it will be their money that stimulates the economy. This will enable all Americans to have more stable jobs and retirement investments that go up instead of down.

This is not a time for envy, and it’s not a time for politics. It’s time for all of us, as Americans, to stand up, speak out, and fix this mess.

Please take five minutes to read the plan at's_future_10928.htmlc?ictid=sml and if it makes sense to you, send it to the President, your 2 senators and your congressional representative.

Just copy and paste the plan at which allows you to send it to all of the people above in a single step. The government website is being hit hard and is crashing at the moment, so it may require some patience on your part to make it work.

I also sent it to both Presidential candidates:

The choice is yours...

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.
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