Sunday, February 24, 2008

"RISE OF THE AUTHOR" continued...Join Mark Joyner for "Best Seller Prep School" on February 26th @ 8pm EST

Hurry ~ Time Sensitive: Live Webcast on February 26th

As a follow up to my previous email letting you know about a mesmerizing book called "The Rise of the Author". I hope you've read it by now.

I just found out that Mark Joyner is holding a live "Prep School" for Would-Be Best-Selling Authors on February 26th @ 8pm EST. If you are seriously interested in writing a best seller book either now or later, you'll need to lock in your seat now because seats are limited:
Best Seller Prep School - Seminar

Please note: The above class is intended for those who intend to join Mark during the Simpleology Best-Seller Blueprint training calls, so please ONLY register if you intend to do that as well.

And of course, if you haven't read 'The Rise of the Author' yet, you'll want to do so before you join Mark on the Teleclass this week...there's still time, it's a very easy read: Rise of the Author

Experts from around the net are giving the advice contained in the book and I can understand why after reading it. It's *mission critical* as Mark says, because Authors today sit in a very powerful position...will they continue to do so?!?!


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