For over 5000 years, people have been using the beehive as a medicine cabinet,
Reaching for honey to treat wounds,
Propolis to cure colds,
Bee pollen for energy,
Royal jelly for mental clarity and
Bee venom to treat auto-immune illnesses.
During my recent visit to the bee farm, I learned a lot of great beneficial useable information. There are 5 STAR health products.
If you are complaining of lack of energy in any way, you definitely want to read the following information and find a bee farm near you.
Bee Pollen is the male reproductive material of plants used by bees to feed their lavae. People use bee pollen as a multi-vitamin and/or to build up a resistance to air borne allergies. It's the best form of B-vitamins and 100% absorbable by your body. If I don't take this product first thing in the morning I can feel the difference all day - I highly recommend this to you and your children! It tastes a little like earthy hay and melts in your mouth...much better tasting than royal jelly.
Also, if you wish to overcome allergies, eat bee pollen in the fall and next spring you will be mostly immune to the pollen in the air. (of course the bee pollen needs to come from flowers that grow in your city/area)
Propolis is tree resin mixed and bee-produced enzymes, used to protect the bee hive from bacteria, fungus and viruses. People use propolis as a remedy for colds and influenza, and also to build up the immune system. Unprocessed honey, naturally has some propolis in it. There is a specific type of honey called "Manuka Honey" that comes from New Zealand, that has been proven by Dr. Peter Molan to stop the growth of bacteria that causes or contributes to stomach ulcers and dyspepsia, it's active against gastrointestinal bacteria ie. E-coli and Streptococcus faelcalis and it is exceedingly effective in preventing or curing fungal and bacterial infections when applied topically to infections.
(I bought some too)
Honey is plant nectar that is dehydrated and people often use it as a sore throat remedy and for healing wounds. The best form of honey is completed unheated or processed honey like comb honey. (Oh so good - when fresh it's amazing) Raw unpasturized honey is a brilliant alternative to sugar. It contains digestable simple sugars, small amounts of pollen and propolis. This amazing spread is highly concentrated source of many nutrients, inlcuding enzymes, minerals and vitamins ie B-complex vitamins, C, D and E vitamins. Generally the darker the honey, the greater its vitamin content. There's more! Hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid in honey promotes healing of cuts, abrasions, and burns with quicker healing and less chance of infection and scarring. (I got 4 different kinds of honey: creamed clover, honey comb, royal honey (royal jelly already mixed in) and orange blossom.) ~ all very very good!
Royal Jelly is an enzyme enriched food, produced by young bees and fed to queen bee larvae and adult queens. People use royal jelly as a multi-vitamin and to increase mental clarity. Royal Jelly on its own without being in the freezer will go rancid quickly; however to preserve it without refridgeration, mix it well with raw unpasturized honey and it's safe to keep out. If you buy it frozen, you only need 1/3 of a teaspoon per day. You may think it's might be remotely sweet like honey. .. well, it's NOT. It tastes strangely sour, so I add next to it on the same spoon raw honey to ingest it and that works for me.
Bee Venom is produced by worker female bees to defend themselves and their colony. People use bee venom to treat over 40 illnesses, such as warts, arthritis and multiple sclerosis. During my visit, I thought you get this venom in a jar or container and insisted on seeing what the venon looked like. I had no idea?!?! Well, it turns out, the only way to get this venom is to buy 15-20 bees in a jar that are alive and buzzing.
To receive this venom, you or someone who loves you, will pull out the bee and place it on the area of your pain so it will sting you. Imagine that! (I'm still not 100% sold but if the pain was bad enough perhaps I would consider this option).
Each sting contains 10K units of antibiotics in one concentrated location - I'm told that's why it hurts so much.
I had a very informative visit and said 'thank you' $167 later. It was worth it because my family and I are worth it.
I love to share great beneficial things and this is a definite gift too good not to pass on to you.
www.honeybeecentre.com ~ this is the place I went in Surrey.
Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.
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