Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Q #7 ~ What Happens to YOU when YOU Stress?

7. What happens to You when You stress?

Just recollect how your day begins? (Probably with the mad rush to get the kids to school and yourself to work) and once you reach your office, you find that there are a host of things to be done and you are running out of time. From this point, the stress only increases.
  • The first stressor you encounter gets the muscles tense, the blood pressure up and the stress cycle going. From this point the stress just builds up.
  • The next stressor tightens the muscles more as heart rate and blood pressure continue to rise.
  • After a series of stressors you begin to feel the effects. The headache, neck ache, or backache may come.
  • Your energy drops and the level of irritability goes up. It becomes hard to concentrate on tasks.

By the time you return home in the evening you're on stress reaction overload. You're peevish and cranky with a mishmash of aches and pains. It takes you only a short time to say something very nasty estranging everyone with whom you live. The evening becomes stressful too a continuation to your stressful day. And before you know it, it is bedtime and you cannot sleep. You replay the events of the day as your head pounds and your stomach churns. After a night of on-and-off sleep you awake in a foul mood and think, "Oh no, I have so much to do again." (is this any way to live life?)

By the time you wait through a traffic jam you arrive at work more stressed that when you left - and this is just the beginning.

If this cycle continues day after day, week after week, and month after month then you are headed in the direction of more advanced problems. As you mentally continue to adapt to the stressful reaction, your body will try to get your attention to let you know that something is wrong. The body's message of distress comes through physical symptoms like those just mentioned. Your complaints of headaches, neck aches, and backaches become more frequent; other muscle and joint pain; chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizzy spells and problems with digestion: ie. pain, cramping, spasms, or diarrhea are further signs.

If these stress symptoms are ignored and no action is taken to come out of it, you are at risk for serious health problems. Recent research suggests that anywhere from 60 - 90% of illnesses are stress-related. Stress can damage you in many subtle and penetrating ways.

For example, a study at Ohio State University showed that short periods of psychological stress can cause the body to take longer to clear heart-damaging fats from the bloodstream.

Studies show that long-term activation of stress symptoms, triggered by the release of hormones and brain chemicals, can have a hazardous, even lethal effect on your body and brain.
  • Because stress inhibits the immune system, it makes you more vulnerable to infections.
  • Stress can make it difficult to conceive a baby.
  • A working professional, when affected by job stress can behave violently with his colleagues or superior or he may quit the job. Thus the effects of stress are manifold with long term effects on the sufferer’s life and those who are related to him.
Stress is a contributor to very serious physical and psychological conditions, including:
• Heart disease
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Depression
• Obesity
• Anorexia nervosa
• Substance abuse
• Ulcers
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Memory loss
• Trouble in getting sleep
  • Headache
  • Stomach upset
  • Weakening of immune system
  • Accentuates the process of ageing

It has been found that most illness is due to unrelieved stress. Thus it is better to manage stress than to let stress manage you. Journal every day, any symptoms of stress you may have...bring awareness and consciousness to what your subconscious mind is telling you. The aches and pains you are having are not just an inconvenience for you to numb your pain with a pill. Those pains are indications that change is absolutely needed in your lifestyle. You know yourself best, so listen and trust your intuition for what your body is telling you.

Chances are, your body craves CHANGE & MOVEMENT ~ perhaps some activity - so go out and have fun doing what you love!

You're work can wait, your health won't!

Until next issue, breatttttthhhhhhh.

Try this exercise when feel uptight:
Deep breathing ~~ 4-second inhale through the nose and 8-second exhale through the mouth. Do this 3x in a row.
Guaranteed to lower your blood pressure to bring calm back into the body.

Next issue: "Q #8 - Can STRESS be Eliminated from Your LIFE?"

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

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