Thursday, July 31, 2008

Your Health: Avoid the 5 Sleep Zappers to Enjoy Deeper Sleep!

As we age and our bodies and hormones change, so does the quality of our sleep. If our sleep is altered, our productive mental and physical energy during the day is working 40% less than capacity.

The 1st step you can take in achieving healthier deeper sleep is to avoid these 5 biggest sleep killers:

SLEEP KILLER #1. Taking long, late afternoon naps. OK -- you may be so tired you're falling into your coffee or tea and you need toothpicks just to keep your lids open. Keep in mind, taking a daytime nap after 4:00pm will make falling asleep that night that much more difficult because it reduces your homeostatic drive to sleep. In other words, you put havoc on your body's clock. So, when it comes time to go to bed, you aren't sleepy enough to enter zzzzzland.

SLEEP KILLER #2. Often called the "alcohol and cigarette cure". Many people with sleep problems smoke a cigarette or drink a glass of wine before they turn in, hoping it will help them relax. Alcohol may help you fall asleep at first, but it will cause you to wake up during the night. Nicotine is a stimulant, and keeps you wide-awake andn stimulated long after you wish you'd fallen asleep.

SLEEP KILLER #3: Eating or drinking late at night. Our digestive systems don't react well to round-the-clock munching. Having a midnight snack could cause you hours of restless misery later. Try to keep your supper light, and eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

SLEEP KILLER #4: Caffeine. Not surprisingly, caffeine isn't just in coffee anymore. Caffeine levels are super-high in energy drinks such as: Red Bull, as well as teas, chocolate and diet supplements.

SLEEP KILLER #5: Watching TV late into the evening. Worse some people watch the late night News containing stress and negative energy and wonder why they feel uptight and can't fall asleep. Some people assume background noise such as: TV or radio - can help them fall asleep more easily. That's not so! Sleeping with music playing or the radio on actually overstimulates the senses, which makes sleep more difficult.

Keep an eye, in future blogs, there will be suggestions of what foods to eat/drink to improve the quality of your sleep.

To your health!

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

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