Sunday, August 31, 2008

Your Q: How to Muscle Test Your Subconscious Beliefs?!?

Our beliefs tend to be invisible until we do some exercises that bring them out of the darkness.

What you believe is a CLEAR indication of what is ROOTED deep in Your SUB-CONSCIOUS Mind.

Muscle testing is when you stand up with your dominant arm out to the side and someone tries to push your arm down after you say a statement.
When you speak your truth, your arm will remain strong in its place at 90 degrees to your body. If however, what you say you don't really believe, your arm will weaken and your arm will come down.

Here's a great exercise for you:

  1. Begin muscle testing by saying your name 'my name is ___' and the friend or family member will attempt to push your arm down unsuccessfully. Why? because when you say your name you have belief in that your arm should stay up. This will determine the amount of pressure your assistant will use in testing your remaining statements.
  2. Next select from the list below a few belief statements you'd like to muscle test. In this process, you'll discover which statements your subconscious mind strongly believes and which statements are not currently your beliefs yet. In other words, those thoughts that are weak the Subconscious mind does not agree with yet.
  3. Make a note of the beliefs that are strong and the ones that you still need to work on improving.
Here are Sample Belief Statements in various areas of life:

Health & Body:

  • I accept health as a natural part of my life.
  • My body heals itself, naturally and quickly.
  • I take care of my physical body in healthy and loving ways.
  • I trust my body to achieve and maintain its ideal weight.
  • I am a good person and deserve to have a healthy body.
  • I love and accept my body as it is and as it changes.
  • Prosperity & Wealth:

    • I trust myself to manage money honestly and sensibly.
    • I give myself permission to make mistakes with money.
    • Money is one expression of my spirituality and my love for God, others and myself.
    • I am worthy to be wealthy.
    • Money is important.
    • I play the money game to win!
    • I am calm and confident when I have money.
    • I deserve to have all the money I need and want.
    • I am worthy of receiving more money than I need.

    Personal Power:

    • I trust the decisions I make.
    • I trust the Divine guidance I am receiving.
    • I acknowledge my ability and responsibility to make a positive difference in the world.
    • I actively embrace the opportunities that come with change.
    • I take initiative to create my life the way I want it.
    • I am true to my personal vision.

    • It’s easy for me to give love to others.
  • It’s easy for me to receive love from others.
  • I am worthy to have an intimate, passionate relationship.
  • I am ready for a powerful, intimate relationship in my life now.
  • I am willing to risk loving and being loved.
  • I am clear about what I want in a relationship.

  • Self-Esteem & Self worth:
    • I deeply appreciate and accept myself.
  • I forgive myself and all imperfect acts and thoughts, past, present and future.
  • I love myself unconditionally.
  • I love all aspects of my mind.
  • I love all parts of my body.
  • I accept my imperfections as opportunities to learn valuable lessons in my life.
  • I do my best and my best is good enough

  • Sadness/Pain/Failure:
    • I release my painful past and eagerly look forward to receive the good that awaits me now.
    • I release my previous expectations and allow myself to be a great receiver.
    • I have faith that I am being guided to my next step.
    • Although I grieve for what I lost, I know that greater good will follow.
    • A new door is opening and opportunities stand open before me.
    • When one door closes, another 10 doors opens ;`)

    Feel free to edit these belief statements so that they suite you more and become true for you.

    Until next issue: Live Authentic!

    Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

    Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
    Sign up now if you're ready to:
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    *And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

    Saturday, August 30, 2008

    Your Health: "2-minute HEALING" Technique!

    Simple Stress Relief technique within 2 minutes
    while sitting in a chair.

    By relieving pressure ABOVE the top of your spinal column, your brain-body connection will readily de-stress and go to parasympathetic status.

    Safe and effective as a stand-alone therapy and as the first treatment prior to:

    • chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, counseling, Reiki, reflexology, TENS, Guided Imagery, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, breathwork, meridian therapy, herbs, emotional release.
    • Alleviate computer eye strain, migraines, neck and shoulder tension, fatigue, anxiety, ADD, post-traumatic stress disorder...

    Everyone, including children, can learn to give and receive immediate Stress Relief.

    Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

    Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
    Sign up now if you're ready to:
    *Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
    *Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
    *And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

    Thursday, August 28, 2008

    Your Inspiration: BE A STAR ~ Make Your Own Cover

    Great TOOL for Attracting Who Wish To BECOME!

    Finally, a realistic looking way to design a visual image of you being featured on the cover of a magazine of your choice.

    Your subconscious mind sees in images/pictures - that's good news!

    By this, you can impact your mind with the images you want vs. don't want.

    1. SO go ahead and design the look you want (it takes about 2 minutes).
    2. Then post your image onto your Vision/Mood or Gold Board (they all mean the same - they are boards that have images of your goals and dreams that you look at daily to attract those things into your life).
    You can either visualize using your imagination in your mind or have a physical image to look at. To effectively program your subconscious mind, your images must be crystal clear ~ that's why looking at a physical image is much easier than imagining alone.

    Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

    Success Coach ~ Nada Adams

    Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

    Friday, August 15, 2008

    Q#9 - Easy 8 Stress Management Techniques to Implement today!

    #9) Some stress management techniques:

    The following techniques can help reduce stress in your life and help you live the more balanced life that you were meant to live:

    1. Exercise regularly: Exercise has so many stress management and health benefits, and for many of us, nighttime is when it best fits our schedules.

      *Light exercise like
      yoga or walking at night can also help sleep as it releases tension without over-stimulating the body.

      *Exercise in water can reduce stress even more. When you are in water, you are more buoyant; gravity takes a much gentler toll on your body, so the tension created in your muscles just by holding you up gets released. To inspire yourself, just think about the great personalities and what they do to avoid getting stressed out. Do you know what Anil Ambani does to relieve his stress? He goes for a jog in the morning!!!

      On days you do not have time for exercise consider doing the following:
      *When you genuinely do not have time for exercise, alternatively you can at least do some light stretching and bending exercise at your office desk. *Taking a deep breath in and letting it out like a sigh making sound will help you to feel better.
      *Sitting up and raising your arms straight up and down can also help you release at least some part of that tension that has accumulated in your body.
    2. Breathing: The amazing stress-reducer that you have with you right now is your breathing. That's right. The method in which you take air into your body is an ESSENTIAL part of you releasing stress and becoming more relaxed.
    3. Yoga, meditation, tai chi: Some powerful practices like yoga, meditation or tai chi are the best herb for being stress free. Yoga is a wonderful practice for reducing stress. It gives complete relaxation to body as well as mind. It helps you to concentrate and focus on some particular things. It's the best relief for stress. Same is the case with meditation. The perfect antidote to stress is relaxation and meditation...and the perfect form of meditation is hypnosis. When you are stressed it's as though your brain is preparing your body to fight or run away…and it is! Stress causes strain on the body…and the strain can lead to illness…unless we do something about practice relaxation and meditation with hypnosis.

      Other effective stress release techniques:

    4. Laugh: Laughter therapy is gaining grounds firmly in India. Medical research has shown that laughter decreases blood pressure and heart rate, increases oxygen in the blood, creates an enzyme that protects your stomach from stress, and strengthens the immune system.

    5. Eat a good breakfast:Studies show that eating breakfast is one of the healthiest habits we can adopt. Yet, most people do not pay attention to their breakfast and some don’t even bother having it. Having a good breakfast is very healthy! Remember unless you put fuel to your car, it does not run. Same is the case with human body…

    6. Cultivate a hobby: Start something you always wanted, it can be working in the garden (amazing) or learning how to make pots (even more amazing), working out is good, running or swimming, in fact almost any kind of regular physical activity is good. Just get started!!

    7. Listen to music:
      Music can soothe your mind and body to the point that it’s now being used as a therapeutic tool by many practitioners. You can use music to your benefit by playing relaxing tunes before bed, and throughout the evening to help you unwind and release tension as bedtime approaches.

    8. Journaling: Journaling has many stress and health benefits, making it a great way to end the day. Writing in a journal before bed can clear your mind, help you process emotions, solve problems, mentally prepare for the next day, make plans, and get your thoughts out of your head and on the page, where they can be picked up the next morning.

    This concludes the series "UNDERSTANDING STRESS". If you're reading this and you've missed any of the 9 postings related to this subject; simply look for headings that begin with Q#1 through Q#8 and you can read each posting individually.

    I hope you've enjoyed learning this series and you found it to be informative and most importantly, you've begun to implement what you've learned into ACTION.

    Please post and share with me any changes you've made since you began reading this series. We've covered - different types of stress, what causes it; how it affects you physically and mentally; signs of stress and many different ways you can minimize non-supportive stress.

    Until next issue...breathe - choose to remain peaceful and enjoy this moment as it is!!

    Sincerely, Nada

    Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

    Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
    *Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
    *Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
    *And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    Your Inspiration: Keep YOUR Beliefs __!

    Positive ...


    Your Beliefs Become Your Thoughts

    Your Thoughts Become Your Words

    Your Words Become Your Actions

    Your Actions Become Your Habits

    Your Habits Become Your Values

    Your Values Become Your Destiny

    ~ Mahatma Gandhi

    Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

    Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
    Sign up now if you're ready to:
    *Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
    *Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
    *And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

    Wednesday, August 6, 2008

    Your Biz: Imagine having a Partnership with Sony Pictures...learn how?

    Mark Your Calendar: FREE Training Calls!
    Every Tuesday and Thursday for the next 8 weeks
    (Aug 19, 21, 26, 28, Sep 2, 4, 9, 11, 16)

    Armand Morin will interview an expert for each call. For one hour they will reveal the Secrets They use in their Internet marketing Business.
    Register for these FREE Training calls now...

    Once registered you will receive a reminder prior to each call giving you the...
    - Name of the Expert Faculty Member Being Interviewed
    - Call in information
    - Time of the call
    - A time zone converter

    Don't miss out on these Important, FREE Training calls...If you're serious about making money online, you'll definitely want to listen in. Register NOW!


    Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

    Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
    Sign up now if you're ready to:
    *Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
    *Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
    *And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

    Friday, August 1, 2008

    Q#8: Can Stress be Eliminated from Your LIFE?

    One of the deadliest myths about stress is that it CANNOT be prevented or eliminated.
    There are many stresses that can be changed, eliminated, or even minimized. Different people deal differently with situations they face every day - either at the work, within the home environment or in social environments.

    Some of the factors that will determine how effectively we combat stress are: our personality types, our childhood, our attitude and degree of physical well being.

    Here's an example to illustrate how one can let stress creep into his/her life unnecessarily:

    "It’s the beginning of a perfect morning, you wake up on time, have a great breakfast, you set out to go to work. You discover the traffic’s gone awry and there is no way you can make it to your 8.30 a.m. meeting with your client. To make things worse, you discover your cell phone’s battery is running low… this point, the person has a CHOICE...they can either respond positively or negatively. For illustration, this person takes this on personally and they development the symptoms of stress. You know the feeling, where you can feel the bile rising to your throat, your diastolic pressure goes well above normal…your chest feels tight, your shoulder muscles tighten and you start feeling hot and unfocused."

    What do you do? Could this situation have been averted? Can you change the situation?

    The above example is a situation that we've all experienced at least once in our lifetime. How did you answer the questions above? It is apparent that the above situation could not have been averted. You woke up on time, you left home on time, and you couldn’t have done anything more than that. Perhaps you could have remembered to charge your cell phone…so you could have partially averted the situation. However, the traffic is something beyond your control. If you know you're going to be late in traffic and you don't have a phone to let your client know; the best you can do is speak positive thoughts to yourself and stay calm and peaceful. Maybe being late prevented you from having harm somehow. So brooding over a negative memory is not going to provide you with a solution to any situation.

    A little planning could have helped you in making sure that your cell phone battery doesn't run low. Clearly though, we can make an attempt to take care of those things which are in our hand than to worry about something which is beyond our control.

    Here are some things you can do to reduce your level of stress:

    • Become aware of your own reactions to stress.
    • Reinforce positive self-statements.
    • Focus on your good qualities, strengths and accomplishments.
    • Avoid unnecessary competition.
    • Develop assertive behaviors.
    • Recognize and accept your limits. Remember that everyone is unique and different.
    • Cultivate hobbies that you find interesting. Relax and have fun.
    • Exercise regularly.
    • Eat a balanced diet daily.
    • Talk with friends or someone you can trust about your worries/problems.
    • Learn to use your time wisely:
    • Evaluate how you are budgeting your time.
    • Plan ahead and avoid idling away the time.
      *Make a weekly schedule and try to follow it.
      *Set realistic goals.
      *Set priorities.
    • When studying for an exam, study for short periods and gradually increase the time you spend studying. Take frequent short breaks.
    • Practice relaxation techniques. For example, whenever you feel tense, slowly breathe in and out for several minutes.

    However, there is one kind of stress that can never be completely eliminated, for example, the stress that an employee experiences at the work place. However, the management and employees who deal with stressful situations can do a lot to reduce the effects of stress.

    1. Supervisors can reduce stress by keeping people involved in and informed about decisions that affect them.
    2. Recognize the warning signs of stress, and deal with these immediately. People often don't recognize the signs of stress in themselves until others point it out. Don't be offended when others try talking to you. They're trying to help.
    3. If you feel overwhelmed by stress, then talk to someone. Talk to supervisors and try to resolve the problem. They may be able to help by changing procedures or work duties, rearranging schedules, or arranging time off.
    4. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your supervisors, then talk confidentially to the Human Resource Department of your company. They may be able to suggest solutions.
    5. Anger and irritability is a common first response to stress. Be constructive, and not destructive, in how you handle stress. Deal with the issues to find a solution. Don't complain to people who cannot resolve the problem.
    6. Reduce the physical effects of stress. Take breaks during long sessions at the computer. Make sure your office is ergonomically designed. Try slow deep breathing to slow your heart rate. Eat nutritionally, get lots of rest, and exercise regularly.
    Next issue: Some stress Management Techniques

    Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

    Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
    Sign up now if you're ready to
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    *Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
    *And Experience Time & Financial Freedom

    Your Inspiration: Voltaires's Famous RIDDLE ~ ANSWER!

    "What is the longest and yet the shortest?
    The Swiftest and yet the slowest?
    All of us neglect it. Then we all regret it.
    Nothing can be done without it.
    It swallows up all that is small.
    And it builds up all that is great?"
    Who am I?
    The answer tothe riddle of course is Time.
    Long in Eternity yet, none of us have enough of it.
    Swift in Enjoyment and forever, when in pain.
    We all neglect it.
    And of course we cannot live without more of it tomorrow.
    It swallows and forgets us if we remain small;
    but builds us beyond our life if we do something to be remembered!

    Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

    Sign up today at for your FREE access to "VIP Results360” ~ a bi-monthly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs. As your gift, you'll receive a program that will increase your focus and reduce your overwhelm.
    Sign up now if you're ready to:

    *Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
    *Effortlessly make more money VIA Product Development
    *And Experience Time & Financial Freedom