Friday, August 1, 2008

Your Inspiration: Voltaires's Famous RIDDLE ~ ANSWER!

"What is the longest and yet the shortest?
The Swiftest and yet the slowest?
All of us neglect it. Then we all regret it.
Nothing can be done without it.
It swallows up all that is small.
And it builds up all that is great?"
Who am I?
The answer tothe riddle of course is Time.
Long in Eternity yet, none of us have enough of it.
Swift in Enjoyment and forever, when in pain.
We all neglect it.
And of course we cannot live without more of it tomorrow.
It swallows and forgets us if we remain small;
but builds us beyond our life if we do something to be remembered!

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahh, that word again... T I M E! And to think that the action of having read this article is already in the past. TIME... the bane of all who wish they could be more organized or who have a deadline to meet.
Time can seem too abundant to those who live without goals, suffer from depression or physical pain or are waiting to hear from a loved one. It seems insufficient to those whose lives are jam-packed/goal-packed.
One way I personally have come to feel more peace around the concept of time is that it's an illusion. If I were to place the feet which support my body upon a 'time-line' that stretches from before the Big Bang occurred and which continues forever forward, passing through many levels and planes of existence, and I were to try to find myself from a vantage point in space, the little mote that is me would be too tiny to find. Along this continuum, the time it takes for me to breathe my first breath and then my last is so short that my existence is over before our creator can blink an eye. And yet, no matter how small I seem in the great scheme of things, according to my personal beliefs, because my soul is a tiny and supremely significant spark of the creator, and my body is made of star stuff (a product of the Big Bang) whatever I do during my minuscule lifetime is precious and important.
So, why sweat the small stuff? Stressed because you live in a noisy environment? Move! Stressed because your work environment is nasty? Take your breaks outdoors and breathe in neutral surroundings. Leave the premises if possible at lunchtime to regroup daily. Stressed because you are stuck in traffic and you forgot to recharge your cell phone, and it's a million-dollar deal? The people who are waiting for you have also experienced stresses and tardiness. If they can't wait for you, they are not someone you want to deal with anyway.
Years ago, before I had a cell phone, I was driving to Niagara Falls for a vacation. My mother and sister were to arrive there by train from their town and meet me at the train station. I arrived two hours late because one of the massive overhead highway signs had crashed on the highway and traffic was stopped until work crews could move it. Talk about stress especially because neither of them were compassionate types! When I finally arrived, they were in a snit and wouldn’t speak to me. After we got to the hotel I took the film I had in my camera and developed it. I had taken photos of the situation and had asked someone to photograph me against the background of stopped traffic and debris. That cleared the air. But what was my lesson? I learned that in future I would always arrive before they would, no matter the reason why we were meeting.
The main thing for me, since I do have ‘time issues’ and tend to over-commit, is to religiously use my day planner, always have my cell phone charger in my car, and to use a personal timer every fifteen minutes or half hour when I have multiple tasks to complete.
And, most of all, I plan daily ‘time for me’ slots... a luxurious soak in the tub, reading while seated on my swing, meditating, a long walk along the country road where I live, lunch with a friend, or even a nap. This keeps you de-stressed and youthful, and makes life a wonderful experience.