Sunday, March 30, 2008

Your Business: Networking Mistake #3


Connection, interaction and mingling with others are YOUR responsibility. If you want to make connections - HOPING is NOT the skill or tool that will get you there. Making connections is very much an Intentional and Proactive Action, and NOT Passive in any way.

Many people who are self-conscious and shy will attend meetings and spend their entire time on the sidelines, hoping to meet people but not making any proactive effort to connect. If this is you, I suggest you stop wasting your time, effort, and money and stay at home or in your office. You'd do better for your Self-Esteem. However if you want to grow your Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence, attend networking events with a solid Intentional Proactive Plan!

Keep in mind that everyone who attends these networking meetings are there to do the same thing as you "Make Connection". So what's the worry?? If you're feeling shy, your body language will be that of self consciousness and shyness - not attractive at all!!!

To initiate making the conversation next time. Consider approaching someone you've never met before at the next meeting -

  1. Look for someone who is standing or sitting alone,

  2. Approach & cheerfully introduce yourself, and

  3. Get very curious about them and what they do?

If you do this 3-5x at every meeting you attend, in a short while, you'll eventually know everyone there, and feel comfortable too.

Your Coach,


Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by providing Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today!For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection Letter - "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Q: How to Set GOOD Boundaries - Part 1

"Get over the disease to please.
Understand you cannot please everyone.
Being able to disappoint others is crucial to reclaiming your life."
~ Oprah Winfrey

The most LOVING & Self Respectful ACT you can do is set clear personal boundaries. This will clearly teach everyone around you - exactly how you need and want to be treated!

The BEST way to improve the Quality of your life is to learn how to SET Good Boundaries.

A simple definition: BOUNDARIES ~ ARE RULES YOU HAVE FOR OTHER PEOPLE; vs. Standards ~ rules you have for yourself.

Keep in mind, establishing good Boundaries takes TIME and setting good boundaries with your loved ones can feel very uncomfortable in the beginning. So be patient in this process - slow and steady will definitely win the race here!

The purpose of having Healthy Boundaries? They foster healthy relationships with yourself and others ~ benefits include:
  • being authentic with integrity,
  • being honest with others,
  • improved communication skills &
  • feeling less victimized and resentful.
What's the biggest benefit? By far the biggest benefit is your ability to SAY NO to anyone who consumes or drains your time repeatedly. By saying 'no' you will FREE yourself and your time to focus on what deem most valuable to you.

Did you know? Assertiveness increases your ability to say 'no'. The more you practice saying 'no' the stronger you will feel and your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth will greatly soar...

Among the sexes, women find setting boundaries the most challenging. Why? They tend to be natural caregivers and nurturers and rarely refuse anyone's request for help.

Examine the 4 areas of Personal boundaries:

  1. Personal Physical - ie, personal space, your body and sexuality
  2. Personal Mental - ie. your feelings & thoughts
  3. Personal Emotional - ie. your relationships, choices & responsibilies
  4. Personal Spiritual - ie, your sense of purpose
Common AREAS needing Healthy boundaries:
  • at home with: children, spouse, parents etc
  • at the office with: colleagues, customers, managers, bosses, strangers
  • in the community: with friends, extended family, in-laws, peers

Check out the following checklist:

  1. You give in to avoid conflict
  2. You're overwhelmed with too much to do in life
  3. You say 'yes' when you really mean 'no'
  4. You struggle with being assertive
  5. You feel emotionally, physically and spiritually drained
  6. You help others and then feel bitter and resentful
  7. Most common, you suffer from the DISEASE TO PLEASE OTHERS

If you answered 'yes' to anyone of these, don't worry! Setting boundaries is a process that takes lots of patience and kind to yourself and let's begin with your first assignment.

Your Action this week:

  1. Write an list of all the individuals in your life where you feel some tension between them and beside each person: list specific actions they do that makes you feel they're encroaching on your boundaries? Use examples list outlined in red above...these are individuals with whom you feel taken advantage of or you have suppressed anger and resentment towards.

  2. Second, next to each action...what motivates you to sacrific your time and energy for each person? ie. I like to please, i can't say 'no', I hate conflict, I love to feel needed, etc..

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by providing Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today!

For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection Letter - "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Your Inspiration: (Short Video) Defining Moments!

Nada Adams, Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching!
For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting:
For more resources, sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Your Business: Networking Mistake #2


Keep in mind - NOT every person you meet will be or is your prospect. People are not walking around with signs on their foreheads, "Approach me, I'm your prospect".

Having said that, though not everyone you meet is your prospect, they can become a valuable part of your personal or business network (million dollar rolodex)!

By treating the individuals you meet at networking events with care, getting to know them will be easy and joyful. Take the time AND BE CURIOUS - find out their goals, plans and what they ideally want in life and their business. By doing so, this will establish the TRUST necessary to build a flourishing relationship. Over time, some of these relationships will turn into prospects and in the meantime, by developing trust, they may give you a referral or two to members.

Keep in mind, the manner by which you approach and treat these prospects in the beginning clearly indicates to them how you will treat their referrals. So if you're aggressive in your approach, they will shy away from giving you any of their contacts.

Go out there this week and EFFECTIVELY NETWORK with at least one new connection!

Your Coach,

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by providing Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today!
For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection Letter - "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 21, 2008

WARNING: Living INSIDE your COMFORT Zone? You are at Risk!!!

What does Living in your Comfort Zone & Alzheimers have in common?

I watched a fascinating program featuring "Brain Plasticity". Attached are 2 short videos and my personal summary of the 1 hour program I watched.

Here is my summary of the program:

Many years ago, the Medical Profession believed by the age of 7 a child's brain has received all its core programming that was permanent and cannot be changed. Brain scientists however discovered 10 years ago, this was simply not true. The human brain is NOT Static but is constantly changing - it's either growing or dying. Some Scientists even said, the brain mass actually regenerates fully in about 3 months.

You know the phrase "use it or lose it"...well it's applicable here with the brain too.

Now what happens to cause the brain neurons to die?
Answer: When we stop using portions in our brains, the electrical pathways slow down and eventually completely breaks off from receiving futher electrical pulses.

Another way to say this - what kills off these important neuro pathways in the brain in the first place??
Answer: Staying in your COMFORT ZONE! Yes, you read me right.

I've been in Personal Growth for almost a decade, and we've been beaten by every trainer, coach and presenter with the same message, "Get out of your comfort zone...and if you want something that you don't have in life, you must go outside your comfort zone to achieve it."
However, what is NOT widely heard or taught by these trainers is "if a person lives more and more in their comfort zone and by not engaging their minds in life long learning, they become at high risk of developing Alzheimer later in life." WOW!!!

What most of us also don't realize is using ONLY skills we've mastered over the years will actually BLUNT our BRAIN growth. That means doing routine, same old same old actions is actually killing your brain (literally). The neuro branches actually die off and stop receiving signals therefore reducing your brain mass too...resulting in more and more absent moments and broken trains of thought!

What do our brains really want? ~ Certainly NOT the familiar day in and day out. Our brains are hungry for continuous challenge, adventure, excitement, the unknown, discovery and intense learning.

E.g.: learning a new language or learning a new dance. Choosing a new recipe to cook when you're a master chef is not exciting or challenging for your brain...your brain will not grow from such activity. However, someone who doesn't know how to cook, and does it - results in growth.

Plasticity (aka. making memories/creating new neuro pathways in the brain) occurs when you are Paying ATTENTION, which means you are FOCUSED & SHARP experiencing INTENSE Learning - what other coaches would call being in the zone! These experiences will become memories in your mind that you deem FAMOUS (either Positive or Negative)!

Did you know?
  • The average 30 yrs old person has a vocabulary of 30K words and

  • The average 80 yrs old - has the vocabulary of 10K...THE REASON?

Most people are sadly living decades upon decades a life of continuous routine, boredom and you guessed it “being in the comfort zone”.

They falsely assume they're better off avoiding the feelings of discomfort that comes with change and paying the price of doing their time to collect a pension counting the days/years for retirement?!?

In reality, what they really end up doing is actually reducing their brain size, vocabulary, focus and intelligence. Sure they retire but certainly not the person they were when they started working. Their neuro-pathways (like branches) die off day after day, year after year because they live focused on comfort, safety and avoidance of change, challenging activities and new opportunities requiring intense learning.

I hope this article has inspired you to live uncomfortable and gave you one more grrreat reason and incentive to step out into the EXCITING UNKNOWN each and every day.

Aspire for higher,
Take chances daily and
Embrace the Uncomfortable…

Do it for your own sanity - pun intended!


"It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you're not."~ Denis Waitley

To use this article please use the article in its entirety including information about the author below:

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by providing Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection Letter - "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Your Inspiration: Beauty Tips from Audrey Hepburn

Did you know that it's Beautiful Women Month?

Well, that means BEAUTIFUL you and all the beautiful women in your life!!!

Below is a wonderful poem written by Audrey Hepburn when asked to share her 'beauty tips.'

It was read at her funeral years later.

  1. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
  2. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
  3. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
  4. For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
  5. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
  6. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
  7. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
Celebrate YOU and share these beautiful words with the special women in your life...


Nada Adams, Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching!For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting:

For more resources, sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Your Inspiration: ___ is the KEY to Motivate & Inspire Biz Leaders

M_ _ _ _ is the Key to Motivate and Inspire Business Leaders

Nada Adams, Success RESULTS Coach, teaches Parent-Entrepreneurs how to live Authentically with Integrity to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching & Discover what's holding you back! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting:

For more resources, sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

Your Business: Networking Mistakes ~ Part 1 of 5

Part 1:
Networking can be one of the best business building strategies if done correctly.

It's a process all about CONNECTION that takes time, effort and facing your fears. The connection here cannot be achieved after only 1 conversation. You're in it for the long haul...building rapport and over time your relationship will likely turn into sales & better yet, bring you a flow of referrals, alliances, support, advice and even friendship.

Networking Mistakes :

1. Doing too little or too much - Networking is all about getting to know others.

Too little: 2 areas here that most are guilty of...
i) One - joining groups that you never attend
ii) Two - attending networking meetings as the lone ranger and not interacting with anyone there. ..hmm....Keep in mind, signing up to become a member does not mean you're networking.

Too much:
attending a merry-go-round of meeting after meeting but failing to really connect with anyone in a meaningful way (waste of time). Some people think just showing up at networking meetings is enough - NOT!

There is no quick way about it...getting to know people takes time to build knowledge and understanding of them & develop trust and rapport. It's a 2 way street, by showing interest in others first, they may show interest in you afterwards. Your turn will come soon enough...FOCUS on them first by....
i) Taking the time to learn about their businesses,
ii) Understanding how they want you to refer them clients

Real & Effective Networking requires you to step out of your comfort zone and actually initiate conversations with other members.

Your Coach,

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Nada Adams, Success RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting:

For more resources, sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

Habit #6 - Eliminate REFINED Sugars!

If you’re addicted to refined sugar, listen up~ Processed white sugar is like poison to your system.

Don't be confused by your desire to eat sweet sugary things as what you're body really wants. Your brain operates on sugar and will say, "yes, yes" for your tastebuds but if your body had a voice it would say, 'Stay away!'

In the long run, removing refined sugar from your diet will increase your Energy level. During the first week however, you'll experience strong withdrawal symptom consisting of: feeling very irritable and fatigued. Like other addictions, these symptoms are only temporary and thankfully diminish within a week.

Beware of hidden sugar in most packaged or ready made food.
Read labels for other names used for refined sugars: sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, anything that ends in '-ose' - its their way of disguising the name of sugar.

Gradually reduce the amount of sweet things in your diet to train your palate to enjoy and accept less sweet things. Your palates level of desired sweetness is an indication of how poor your body's blood pH is.

The more you eat sugar the more acidic your body's blood pH and the more work your body needs to do to bring your blood-stream back to a healthy pH level. Your body will even draw from your bones calcium to neutralize what you've eaten to bring your blood pH back to normal.

The healthiest alternative is Stevia (a flower that is approx 20x sweeter than sugar) - Only 2-3 drops will sweeten your tea or coffee without adding acidity to your drink (sugar is acidic). Your taste buds will scream sweetness but your organs and body will thank you!

Consider eating fresh fruit or veggie instead of sugary treats. The live enzymes will help curb your sugar craving and give your body the easiest food to process.

One more thing to pay strong attention to...when I personally crave sweets, I ask myself: what have I eaten or not eaten that is causing this craving?
***Sweet cravings are a strong indication that you body needs
protein and calcium.
So if you eat a meal that is lacking in protein consisting of mostly ie. pasta, potato, carbs will immediately crave sugar after your meal. So eat right the first time around and avoid eating empty calories that make you tired and exhausted afterwards.

Here's a tasty solution:
* organic milk (standard),
* one banana,
* vanilla,
* ice cubes (optional)

* 1/4 c. hemp nuts/ walnuts/almonds or pecans -

Blended altogether into a smoothie ~ yummy!

Try this out and see if after you drink this...are you still craving sugar?

Nada Adams, Success RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity creating more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting:

For more resources, sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Habit #5: Living Honestly with INTEGRITY!

Lying creates a type of mental Distress that harms you in many ways. Not only morally but your external reality.

Lies are morally wrong for two reasons.

  1. FIRST: lying corrupts the most important quality of being human: your ability to make free, coherent choices.

    Each lie you tell contradicts the part of you that gives you moral worth.

  2. SECOND: your lies rob others of their freedom to choose coherently too. When your lie leads people to decide other than they would had they known the truth, you have harmed their human dignity and autonomy.

    Value yourselves and others and not as a means to something else. You have a perfect duty without exception -> you must avoid damaging, interfering with, or misusing the ability to make free decisions. BE HONEST!

  3. Many more perspectives on Virtues...etc

Bottom line:
When you lie ~ you are negatively affecting your physiology both mentally and physically.

If you weigh the damage between the harm caused by telling the truth and the harm caused by telling lies -> LIES are always worse and more damaging. The TRUTH however always prevails as the FINAL word & the ULTIMATE winner!!

So why delay the inevitable by taking a road that compromises your integrity and character too?!? Speak your truth and BE FREE!

CHALLENGE: This week practice living honestly with integrity of character in ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE and witness how much better you feel both physically and mentally.

Your coach,
Nada Adams


You are welcome to use this article anytime, just be sure to include the following author/copyright information:

Nada Adams, Success RESULTS Coach, teaches Parent & Entrepreneurs how to live authentically with integrity to create more balance, more health and more wealth! Experience her NO-BS intuitive coaching style that will give it to you STRAIGHT! Not the what you want to hear. For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting:
For more resources,
sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd.

Video Health TIP #1

Replace a NEGATIVE with 1 POSITIVE!

To learn more:
and schedule your complimentary intro call.

Your Business: In Pursuit of EXCELLENCE...

EXCELLENCE ~ is all about the CHOICES & ACTIONS you make!

"There are countless ways of attaining greatness. But any road to reaching one's maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity." ~Buck Rodgers, IBM

13 Lucky Choices!! Every day during your day, you must consciously BE aware of your choices to ENSURE you're traveling on the road to GREATNESS (both personally and professionally) vs. traveling on the road of MEDIOCRITY...


  1. ENERGETIC—vs, being run-down and burned-out.
  2. FOCUSED—vs. being scattered and impulsive.
  3. PASSIONATE—vs. being aimless, apathetic and indifferent.
  4. ENTHUSIASTIC—vs. being half-hearted and discouraged.
  5. PREPARED—vs. being shortsighted and reactive.
  6. PROACTIVE—vs. procrastinating and hesitant.
  7. ORGANIZED-vs. cluttered and overwhelmed
  8. SUPPORTIVE—vs. being critical and judgmental.
  9. SELF-DIRECTED—vs. being directionless and uncertain.
  10. SYSTEMATIC—vs. being haphazard and disorganized.
  11. TIMELY—vs. being distracted and preoccupied.
  12. ACTION ORIENTED-vs planning & more planning (perfectionism).
  13. DISCIPLINED - vs. Rationalizing (Telling yourself LIES=Excuses)
It's easy to make obvious choices consistently if you FIRST identify exactly what's holding you back from being Energetic, Focused, Passionate, Enthusiastic, Prepared, etc. Ask yourself the question for each area...then consciously REMOVE the root-cause/problem by taking IMMEDIATE TINY ACTIONS to REMOVE THOSE BLOCKS.

Remember, every hour you're always choosing between 2 Polar Opposites ~ Conscious Excellence & Conscious what will you choose today?

  1. Conscious Excellence ~ is noticing NEGATIVES in your performance and taking immediate POSITIVE ACTION to eliminate it.
  2. Conscious Mediocrity ~ is noticing Negatives in your performance and DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it.

Challenge: As you go through your week, take a good look around you.

Start noticing how you show up in your home, at work, with your colleagues, employer, employees, with your spouse, with your children etc.

Imagine what your life would be like if you actually lived what's most important to you with EXCELLENCE! Notice where in your life - you are using the "good enough" that area of your life suffering with Mediocrity or is it thriving with Excellence?

Answer: Expect much more!

Your Coach,
Nada Adams ~ Success Coach


You are welcome to use this article anytime, just be sure to include the following author/copyright information: Nada Adams, Success RESULTS Coach, teaches Parent & Entrepreneurs how to live authentically with integrity to create more balance, more health and more wealth! Experience her NO-BS intuitive coaching style that will give it to you STRAIGHT! Not the what you want to hear. For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting: more resources, sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd.

Your Inspiration: Powerful Quotes!

In the Midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. ~ Deepak Chopra

When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get them, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either. ~ Leo Burnett

Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive it isn't. ~ Richard Bach (Illusions)

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. ~ Will Rogers

Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk. ~ J.C. Penney

My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened. ~ Montaigne

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Your Business: #1 Trait to Succeed ~ Your Ability to ______!

#1 Trait to Succeed especially in BUSINESS is your

Confronting doesn't always mean confronting people who are angry or irritated.

For the answer, don't look past your own nose...Confrontation also means, confronting your own fears - those fear that hold you back each and every day and for some every minute?!?!
  1. Fear of rejection,
  2. Fear of the unknown,
  3. Fear of no security,
  4. Fear of leadership/management
  5. Fear of feeling unwanted and unworthy,
  6. Fear of being emotional
  7. Fear of giving up,
  8. Fear of being a loser
  9. Fear of looking stupid
  10. Fear of humiliation
  11. Fear of truly succeeding
  12. Fear of having what you want finally
  13. Fear of other people: perhaps you're reluctant to confront people who are
    have poor manners,
    critical or

Heck, the list goes on and on.

Bottom line - confronting means Facing ALL that makes you uncomfortable!! Will you choose today to confront or will you run the other way? Aren't you tired of complaining or just *talking about your goals?

Let's look at how your ability to confront translates into MONEY.
People are quite simply paid in the following 2 categories:

  • Lower risk jobs - working inside your comfort zone and being paid a lower wage;
  • Higher risk jobs - working outside your comfort zone and being paid an uncapped wage.
Where do you fit? Which one are you?
Are you working Inside or Outside your Comfort Zone?!?

Let's look at who are the highest paid people in the world... "Sales People" - They are the TOP 10% of all jobs and the remaining 90% are jobs that are all working in support of SALES.

Why? Because most people don't want to work outside their comfort zone. Only 10% of people are willing to work confronting their fear of rejection on a daily basis. Wow, that's powerful! Imagine if you work every single hour confronting your would develop diamond habits that will make you incredibly successful!

Whether you realize this right now or not, You are being paid and will be paid in direct proportion to your ability to confront!

If you don't like the amount of money you're earning, then its high time you changed gears and said 'bye bye' to the enemy ~ your comfort zone! in your comfort zone is death to your success and
it's the biggest enemy holding you back.

To Your Success!


You are welcome to use this article anytime, just be sure to include the following author/copyright information:

Nada Adams, Success RESULTS Coach, teaches Parent & Entrepreneurs how to live authentically with integrity to create more balance, more health and more wealth! Experience her NO-BS intuitive coaching style that will give it to you STRAIGHT! Not the what you want to hear. For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting: more resources, sign up for the VIP Weekly Connection letter.

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Riddle - Who am I...?

Who am I?
I am your constant companion.
I’m your greatest helper, or your greatest burden.
I will push you onward, or drag you down to failure.
I’m at your command.
Half of the tasks that you do,
You might just as well turn over to me and
I’ll do them quickly and correctly.
I’m easily managed.
You must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done
And after a few lessons, I’ll do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great people and,
Alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
And those who are failures, I have made failures.
I’m not a machine but I work with all the
Precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person
You may run me for profit or run me for ruin,
It makes no difference to me.
Just take me, train me, be firm with me
And I’ll lay the work at your feet.
But you be easy with me and I’ll destroy you.
Who am I?

I’m Called Your
