Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Your Biz: The Art of Saying "NO" Effectively!

As a coach I am always on the lookout for ways people sabotage their own success.

There is one DESTRUCTIVE habit that many are plagued with regardless of age or background. The habit of saying 'yes' when they should be saying "no".
As a result, these people:

  1. Feel victimized, resentful and angry at themselves and others.
  2. Damage their self-esteem greatly and
  3. Waste their valuable Power (Time, Money and Energy) .

What about you? How often do you say "yes" to a client when you really mean "no"? If you struggle in this area, this article is for you.

Let's discuss why it feels SO difficult to turn people down...

The 1st Key Factor is most people have an enormous fear of rejection. They want everyone to like them, and by saying "yes" they ensure others do. However, saying "yes" when you mean "no" is a major form of selling yourself out. You are denying your authenticity from shining through and you're no longer leading by example. Don't fall into the trap of the ego-self saying, 'that's ok, it's worth doing whatever it takes as long as people like you!

The 2nd Key Factor is most people have a great fear of confrontation. At some point in your life you learned when people get upset or angry they are dangerous; so you avoid confrontation at all costs.

Keep in mind: Speaking YOUR truth is absolutely CRUCIAL for

  • Reaching High levels of Leadership!
  • Having Integrity, Passion & Purpose.
  • Developing High Self-confidence, Self-Respect and Self-Esteem.
  • Making Money and Adding value in the Market Place!

Here are some ways to say "no" effectively:

1. Be clear and firm about your decision. You're more than half there, when you've reached a decision to say "no". Your clarity will help you follow through and you'll communicate your message clearly to the other person.

2. Begin by acknowledging, thanking, or saying something positive to the inviter/invitation - make sure it's something sincere - Eg.“Thank you for thinking of me…"

3. Communicate your decision immediately. Avoid the temptation to say: "I'll get back to you" when you already know you want to say "no."

4. Make the reason for declining about YOU, not about the opportunity or other person. Eg. you could say - you already have maxed out your commitments to charities this year, or you've promised yourself you don' t lend money to friends; or you've promised your family that you would not take on any new projects that interfere with family time. By making the rejection about you, this reduces the likelihood of the other person taking the "rejection" personally....and who can disagree with you when you're time is maxed!

5. Speak your truth, even if you feel scared or intimidated. Strangely enought, it's better to say "no" and have a blow up than it is to be out of integrity by lying. Don't waste your energy worrying about handling the situation perfectly - just do it!

6. No apology needed; no need to defend your decision.

I invite you right now, to identify 1 place you are saying "yes" when you mean "no." You dont wnat to be filling your time with clients who drain your energy, so be willing to make room in your business for quality clientts to come in.

Begin by deciding to be true to yourself. If you're afraid, that's ok and normal, just continue to feel what you need to and still take the steps mentioned above to get back on track! I know you can do this - it's as easy as CHOOSING!

Your Coach,

Nada Adams, 360 RESULTS Coach provides Holistic Financial Planning. She teaches Entrepreneurs how to live authentically with integrity to create more balance, more health and more wealth! Experience her NO-BS intuitive coaching that's Direct & Straightforward!
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© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd.

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