Sunday, April 27, 2008

Opportunity: Have you heard of "Books Mean Credibility"?

I came across this coaching program that you or someone you know maybe ready for.

Have you heard of - Glenn's "Books Mean Credibility" live workshop with Ken McArthur as the case study?

In case you haven't heard, you have a rare opportunity to experience Glenn's in-depth coaching program (which normally costs over $10,000)... only for a $1 (yes, one dollar)

If you have ever wished you could enjoy the same coaching that normally can only be afforded by highly successful people ...You now have that opportunity to give it a try.

You can experience first-hand what many are calling "the most effectiveBusiness and Book-writing Strategies Coaching in the world". Check it out to get access to this coaching program while it is still available to try for only $1.00

If it's not for you, at least you have kept your wallet in tact and only spent a buck.

To your Success!

Nada Adams

About the Author:

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to support her clients in Maximizing their Success and Fulfilling their goals while Living in Peace and Balance. If you're ready to hear the REAL truth of what's holding you back and ready to take the necessary action, then you are ready to work with Nada.

Sign up today at for the "VIP Results” ~ a weekly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:

*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money through Product Development
*And finally have the Path for Time & Financial Freedom they know is possible.

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Q: Boundaries Part 5 - "Timing is Everything"

"We don't deal much with facts when we are
contemplating ourselves." ~ Mark Twain

Setting boundaries requires that you pick the BEST TIME to meet with your team, colleagues, employer, employee, spouse, family member or children.

Mentally plan a win/win outcome before you even start your communication. Consider what the other person would consider a win for him/her and how they will benefit too by you setting better boundaries with them.

Starting such a dialogue can feel very awkward and uncomfortable especially if you're concerned about the other person's response. ie. anger.

To ensure you have a healthy adult to adult communication, make sure you avoid words that express blame. ie., its your fault or you never listen.

11 Steps - To Effective Expression of Feelings:
  1. On your own, connect with your heart and the importance of that person to you.
  2. Begin your dialogue with sincerity, connecting from your heart and consciously desiring a win/win outcome and not a win/lose.
  3. Notice your tone of voice as you speak ensuring it is gentle and calm.
  4. Make sincere loving eye contact.
  5. DEFINE what you want from the listener. "I only need you to hear me right now and not try to find a solution."
  6. Speak about yourself and how you're feeling and avoid using 'you' words as much as possible. "I want you to know how I'm feeling right now...I am upset or angry because..."
  7. Share the importance of your honesty and integrity with yourself. "I need to be honest with myself and with you because..."
  8. Take ownership for any given situation - that means putting the blame on you vs the other person. "I apologize that I have not shown much enthusiasm when you speak with me" vs. "you always ignore me when you walk into the room."
  9. Connect with what you ultimately want. "I want to love and be loved in my life again." vs. "You never listen to anything that matters to me"
  10. Learn to be comfortable with all your emotions. If you wish to live in balance - then you'll need to feel anger, sadness and plenty of those emotions most people pretend they don't have. Don't make them wrong! They are automatic responses. Give yourself permission to feel all of your emotions and express them in healthy ways instead of bottling them inside you and harming your health and relationship too. Losing your Self Respect, Self Confidence and Self Esteem is huge price tag!
  11. Be sincere and open about your discomfort with you're feelings. "What I'm about to share with you is uncomfortable for me and you may not initially like what I have to say, please simply hear me out..."

Keep in mind - if you are emotionally charged, you will be very ineffective in expressing and setting good boundaries. If you need to vent - do so by walking, exercise, punching a bag or screaming into a pillow to let out your steam, before you speak to anyone. Otherwise, you will not be able to have the calm and connection to express yourself effectively.

And oh you fellows, you might not have to say anything or solve her problems as she's expresses her frustrations. By simply listening without making any comments at all -that may be all she needs from you. So NO need to fret and try to help her find the solution...all she needs from you sometimes is "LISTENING" ~ now that was easy!

Your Coach,

About the Author:

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to support her clients in Maximizing their Success and Fulfilling their goals while Living in Peace and Balance. If you're ready to hear the REAL truth of what's holding you back and ready to take the necessary actions, then you are ready to work with Nada.

Sign up today at for the "VIP RE$ULTS” ~ a weekly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:

*Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
*Effortlessly make more money through Product Development
*And finally have Time & Financial Freedom they know are possible.

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Your Inspiration: "Don't Quit" Video

Inspirational POEM (Video) is when things seem worst that you must NOT quit!...

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to support her clients in Maximizing their Success and Fulfilling their goals while Living in Peace and Balance. If you're ready to hear the REAL truth of what's holding you back, then you are ready to work with Nada.

Sign up today at for the "VIP Results” ~ a weekly ezine for business owners and entrepreneurs ready to:
  • Cut through the Fog and Eliminate blocks
  • Effortlessly make more money through Product Development
  • And finally have the Path to Freedom they know is possible.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Q: Setting Boundaries Part 4 - Saying 'NO'

'No' - a tiny word that packs quite the punch and is feared by most people...why? Because without learning how to say 'no' again, you will NOT achieve healthy boundaries.

Why do most of us resist using this tiny word? For the most part - we are avoiding the feelings of 'Guilt.'

Next time before you answer 'yes' - I suggest you ask yourself the following question: "Why am I saying 'yes' to this question?" Is it to genuinely help out, needing to look good or am I repeating my old patters that cause me stress?

By saying 'no' - all your past programming will surface - just notice what your mind and feelings start telling you:

  • How could you not be generous and say yes?

  • How selfish of you (Guilt)

  • Now what is that person thinking of you?

  • Now you can be more useful and important by doing this?

  • What to go for being rude and impolite

Here are 10 Tips for saying 'no':

  1. Make cue cards with your potential answers &
    Practice daily verbally saying your 'no' script

  2. Keep the cue card handy where you usually need to say 'no'.
    ie. beside your phone at work and at home.

  3. Take time to respond - eg. "Let me check my calendar first and get back to you."

  4. Make the answer of 'no' about you and not their cause or question. eg. "Thanks for your offer and I really need ot say 'no' for me."

  5. Create a policy statement (makes you sound official): If businesses do, why no you?
    eg. "We have a policy to only support children's charities and our portfolio for donations is full at the moment."

  6. Honor your priorities and put your foot down to what matters most to you. eg. "say 'no' to interruptions at dinner or having the work cell phone on after 7pm."

  7. Be Brief: No need to give a full detail explanation as to why you need to say no. Simply say 'no thank you' and continue being in your power by managing the voices inside your head by saying mentally, "No is my right to say and exercise."

  8. Build your 'no' muscle: Develop the habit of saying 'no' every day to smaler requests so that you get the necessary practice to grow your 'no' muscle to say 'no' to bigger requests. Remember buy time, if you're not strong enough yet.

  9. Use other mediums: If you don't have the strength at first to say 'no' verbally, say it using a different medium - ie. email, letter or voice/text message. Remember to keep this brief too.

  10. Manage your mind frick: when we exercise our right to say 'no', our minds may send us guilty messages from old habits. Simply reply mentally, 'Thank you for sharing. This is for the best. My rights are important and need honoring too."

If you practice all of these steps, you will experience a new level of self esteem and self confidence and people will respect you more - guaranteed! Even if they are disappointed by your answer of 'no' - you will still have their respect for speaking your truth!

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive 1 on 1 coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Your Inspiration: Overcoming Adversity - Incredibly Inspirational!!

Amazing Video - MUST SEE -
Overcoming Adversity - If he can do it ~ so can YOU!

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive 1 on 1 coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Are you listening? Intuition 101

Did you know that you're intuition is working 100% of the time?
Well, it is. . . but are you really listening?

Many coaching clients are looking for too many answers outside themselves. They attend seminar after seminar - looking for the pot of gold. Does this sound like you? Ther reason: they have been convinced by most marketers that the answers are outside of them. So they jump on board the ongoing wagon of courses one after the other.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge advocate of on going learning! What I'm saying here, is once you attend a training of any sort, go out and do something with it - take ACTION! Instead of jumping from one training to the next with no time for reflection and absorption - this will likely leave you feeling incomplete.

I've been asked many different coaching questions. . . and though I have lots of answers, I encourage each client to always answer their own question first. This builds trusting and empowers them to go within for their intuitive answer.

Why? Because your intuition is there for a reason and it's always working 100% of the time.

So I have a great question for you to ponder this week to practice listening to your intuition.
"What has to happen for me to consistently keep commitments to myself?"
  1. Spend 15 minutes every day this week contemplating this question in quiet/silence either in meditation or out in nature and listen for the answer.
  2. Trust yourself.
  3. Release your attachment of needing to know the answer right away. Your perfect answer might come in 15 minutes or 15 days, so pay attention and give yourself the space and quiet to hear the gentle low voice of intuition!

Warning: the answer might scare you (because it is something way outside your comfort zone) and that's ok.

Baby steps.

I invite you to post your intuitive answers on my blog and together let's help support one another to trust and grow our intuition!


Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive 1 on 1 coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Q: Boundaries Part 3 ~ Are you a Brick Wall or Willow Tree?

The quality of strength, lined with tenderness,
is an unbeatable combination." ~ Maya Angelou

Healthy boundaries are flexible boundaries like a Willow tree that bends in the wind; not rigid brick walls that keep every emotion - positive or negative out.

Brick walls keep you emotionally bottled up and prevent you from experience deep fulfilling love, meeting good people and experiencing many joyful aspects of life. Having said that, moderation is absolutely key!

SOME OF Boundaries MUST be rigid and non-negotiable without exception:
Example: it's never ok for others to lie, cheat or hit you when they're angry.

And other boundaries need to be flexible sometimes. Healthy boundaries need to develop gradually and with cooperation of your partner, colleagues, children etc. This is not a dictatorship!

Great boundaries are best described in the following 13 step example:
Someone who:

  • speaks openly and honestly with their feelings even if the listener(s) may be disappointed.
  • loves and respects themselves ~ by what thoughts they entertain to what food or snack they eat daily.
  • stays true to themselves even if they end up alone temporarily
  • is trusted/respected by others for living with integrity
  • knows their worth is in who they are and not what or how much they make or own.
  • knows who and what is important in their life and they act accordingly
  • is clearly grounded and operate from their values vs. people pleasing
  • has the strength to say 'no' easily to anyone or anything that conflicts with those values.
  • takes full responsibility for their choices & actions ~ positive or negative
  • is courageous to say "I don't know...or I need help"
  • allows and empowers others to take responsibility for themselves
  • understands loving others beyond the point of love leads to resentment and anger.
  • takes care of themself so that they are happier, healthier and more complete and whole in their relationship.
  • they are responsible to have their own needs met not their partner

Now that sounds easy, right? Ya right... The process is simple but not always easy to implement. If you start now, and commit to this process of change, it will become easier and easier for you to achieve a more content and balanced life.

Keep in mind, this process requires your commitment and patience with yourself. If you're willing to do the work, you will gradually teach everyone around you - how you wish to be treated. If you're going to be hard nosed about what you want and when you want it, this will be a very painful process.

the choice is always yours!

Your Coach,

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive 1 on 1 coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Inspirational Video: Patrick Henry Hughes - Inspirational Story

Incredibly inspiring!

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

Your Business: Networking Mistake #5

5. Location, Location, Location

Where you choose to network really does matter! Choose different environments where you will meet more than just potential prospects for YOU. Networking is a process of connecting with different types of professionals. As a result, you will grow your list of contacts and potentially develop your million dollar rolodex too!

Look to develop contacts from the 3 categories below at Networking events, so that your business will grow and diversify with contacts that can potentially provide you with multiple streams of income.
  1. JV Partners - ranging of different non-compete businesses that share in the same Target Market
  2. Referral partners - perhaps sending potential clients to them, that are not a fit for you. This can also develop into a Joint Venture relationship too.
  3. Colleague/Peer relationships - you can collaborate and mastermind with this group on future larger projects and opportunities.

Q: At your next networking meeting, consciously focus on different category from your norm. Perhaps, you may consider seeking out a colleague in your industry instead of a prospect and have an open discussion what "collaborating" together might look like.

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive 1 on 1 coaching today!
For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Q: How to set GOOD Boundaries - Part 2

"Get over the disease to please.
Understand you cannot please everyone.
Being able to disappoint others is crucial to reclaiming your life." ~ Oprah Winfrey
If only we were taught as young children to set good boundaries; instead we were taught to please others. . . hmm - at least we can teach our children now IF we lead by example.

Checkout the following of Old Limiting Beliefs and Your Truths:

O: I am responsible for everyone's happiness
T: Being overly responsible for others is actually manipulative and disabling.

O: I'm selfish & self centered to think about me all the time.
T: By thinking about me, I am taking care and protecting myself.

O: I'm not important.
T: I'm as important as my partner.

O: It's not safe to reveal my feelings if they disturb the other person.
T: My needs are just as important as the needs of others. I have the right share my feelings and stand up for what I need and want.

O: I'm always nice and ready to please whoever asks me for help.
T: By setting good boundaries, I am helping and teaching others to know how to treat me, so they'll know what I will and will not allow. I am taking care of myself and I'm the one responsible for my integrity and the health of all my relationships.

O: It's important what people think of me; always obey authority.
T: Others learn to trust me when I set good boundaries. My integrity is noticed and respected and that is much more important than being liked.

The need for constant approval from others will deprive you of your self-respect and self-esteem therefore, causing you to be in a lose/lose scenario.
If you've developed a habit to continually cave-in (becoming a door mat) with your children, spouse/partner or friends so they'll love you more, well...the opposite will actually occur.
In time, those loved ones will not love you more but rather STOP TRUSTING YOU and you'll complain of being filled with self-directed anger and resentment.
You can't give what you don't have. . . You are MORE VALUABLE to your loved ones, when you love yourself!

Q: Have you ever done something out of fear and old limiting beliefs, said 'yes' to someone when you really meant 'no' and then resented the whole thing?

What would happen, to the person you were dishonest with if they found out you were resentful helping them out?

Do your actions of being so called 'nice' increase or decrease the trust in this relationship?

If you answered YES to the initial question, imagine what a different positive outcome could have been had you spoken your truth keeping your integrity?

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today!
For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

Your Biz: Networking Mistake #4 - must read!

4. Be prepared to speak clearly and concisely about what you do!

People's attention span is short and they get turned off quite easily by those who ramble. You need to be prepared to speak clearly & concisely about what you do.
Make sure the first words you speak are clear and positively phrased.
Saying 'well. . . it's hard to explain' leaves the listener disenchanted with you and your business. No one has patience to listen to negative chatter like that.

Determine in advance of your networking meeting what you can say about what you do and for whom in as few words as possible that are memorable, concise and appealing.

Special note: Using the words "I'll try" in business ventures will be a deal breaker if you're dealing with series professional business people.
Their ears are trained to weed out the amateurs from the serious business players.

Why? "Trying" is an excuse to 'fail' - you either will or you won't.

Catch yourself next time and stop saying "I'll try" ~ it's sooo ugly to hear over and over again.

To illustrate how ugly...imagine that you call me to buy a box of pens and I respond like this:
  • I'll try to make you I am writing your order down correctly and...
  • I'll try to have your order ready on time and...
  • I'll try to call the manufacturer and see if they have the color you requested and ...
  • I'll try to make sure the package can be shipped on time and ...
  • I'll try to be here when UPS arrives and ...
  • I'll try to call you when your package arrives...

Well. . . How does all this 'trying' make you feel? Yuk! There is absolutly NO confidence in 'trying' zip!

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today!
For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

500 bucks for 27 bucks

Would you pay 27 bucks to get 500? Who wouldn't, right?

The problem is, you wouldn't believe the offer.

And this is the primary problem with most business. You have something that will change peoples' lives, but they just don't believe you - because, well, not everyone is honest like you.

How do you get people to believe you then?

That's one of the many mysteries revealed in "Mind Control Marketing."

Ironically, the 500 bucks for 27 bucks thing works quite well here.

Tattered and beat up copies of the book have been sold on the Amazon marketplace and ebay for $100 to $500.

It's now out of print and because the late Gary Halbert called it

"1 of the 3 most important books ever written about marketing" - people will walk over broken glass to get a copy.

But as of 8pm last night, you can get it in electronic form for only $27. Download Book Here

Plus, you get the fabled "Missing Chapter" that no one in the world has read yet.

I have no idea how long this will remain available, so go grab your copy. I predict they'll only leave it up for a very short period of time and that they are using it to attract new customers in a very short period of time.


Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today!
For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

Your Inspiration: STROKE OF INSIGHT - Video!

Fascinating...stick around to view a real brain...

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today!
For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!