Sunday, March 16, 2008

Habit #6 - Eliminate REFINED Sugars!

If you’re addicted to refined sugar, listen up~ Processed white sugar is like poison to your system.

Don't be confused by your desire to eat sweet sugary things as what you're body really wants. Your brain operates on sugar and will say, "yes, yes" for your tastebuds but if your body had a voice it would say, 'Stay away!'

In the long run, removing refined sugar from your diet will increase your Energy level. During the first week however, you'll experience strong withdrawal symptom consisting of: feeling very irritable and fatigued. Like other addictions, these symptoms are only temporary and thankfully diminish within a week.

Beware of hidden sugar in most packaged or ready made food.
Read labels for other names used for refined sugars: sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, anything that ends in '-ose' - its their way of disguising the name of sugar.

Gradually reduce the amount of sweet things in your diet to train your palate to enjoy and accept less sweet things. Your palates level of desired sweetness is an indication of how poor your body's blood pH is.

The more you eat sugar the more acidic your body's blood pH and the more work your body needs to do to bring your blood-stream back to a healthy pH level. Your body will even draw from your bones calcium to neutralize what you've eaten to bring your blood pH back to normal.

The healthiest alternative is Stevia (a flower that is approx 20x sweeter than sugar) - Only 2-3 drops will sweeten your tea or coffee without adding acidity to your drink (sugar is acidic). Your taste buds will scream sweetness but your organs and body will thank you!

Consider eating fresh fruit or veggie instead of sugary treats. The live enzymes will help curb your sugar craving and give your body the easiest food to process.

One more thing to pay strong attention to...when I personally crave sweets, I ask myself: what have I eaten or not eaten that is causing this craving?
***Sweet cravings are a strong indication that you body needs
protein and calcium.
So if you eat a meal that is lacking in protein consisting of mostly ie. pasta, potato, carbs will immediately crave sugar after your meal. So eat right the first time around and avoid eating empty calories that make you tired and exhausted afterwards.

Here's a tasty solution:
* organic milk (standard),
* one banana,
* vanilla,
* ice cubes (optional)

* 1/4 c. hemp nuts/ walnuts/almonds or pecans -

Blended altogether into a smoothie ~ yummy!

Try this out and see if after you drink this...are you still craving sugar?

Nada Adams, Success RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity creating more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your complimentary coaching call today by visiting:

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© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

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