Friday, March 21, 2008

WARNING: Living INSIDE your COMFORT Zone? You are at Risk!!!

What does Living in your Comfort Zone & Alzheimers have in common?

I watched a fascinating program featuring "Brain Plasticity". Attached are 2 short videos and my personal summary of the 1 hour program I watched.

Here is my summary of the program:

Many years ago, the Medical Profession believed by the age of 7 a child's brain has received all its core programming that was permanent and cannot be changed. Brain scientists however discovered 10 years ago, this was simply not true. The human brain is NOT Static but is constantly changing - it's either growing or dying. Some Scientists even said, the brain mass actually regenerates fully in about 3 months.

You know the phrase "use it or lose it"...well it's applicable here with the brain too.

Now what happens to cause the brain neurons to die?
Answer: When we stop using portions in our brains, the electrical pathways slow down and eventually completely breaks off from receiving futher electrical pulses.

Another way to say this - what kills off these important neuro pathways in the brain in the first place??
Answer: Staying in your COMFORT ZONE! Yes, you read me right.

I've been in Personal Growth for almost a decade, and we've been beaten by every trainer, coach and presenter with the same message, "Get out of your comfort zone...and if you want something that you don't have in life, you must go outside your comfort zone to achieve it."
However, what is NOT widely heard or taught by these trainers is "if a person lives more and more in their comfort zone and by not engaging their minds in life long learning, they become at high risk of developing Alzheimer later in life." WOW!!!

What most of us also don't realize is using ONLY skills we've mastered over the years will actually BLUNT our BRAIN growth. That means doing routine, same old same old actions is actually killing your brain (literally). The neuro branches actually die off and stop receiving signals therefore reducing your brain mass too...resulting in more and more absent moments and broken trains of thought!

What do our brains really want? ~ Certainly NOT the familiar day in and day out. Our brains are hungry for continuous challenge, adventure, excitement, the unknown, discovery and intense learning.

E.g.: learning a new language or learning a new dance. Choosing a new recipe to cook when you're a master chef is not exciting or challenging for your brain...your brain will not grow from such activity. However, someone who doesn't know how to cook, and does it - results in growth.

Plasticity (aka. making memories/creating new neuro pathways in the brain) occurs when you are Paying ATTENTION, which means you are FOCUSED & SHARP experiencing INTENSE Learning - what other coaches would call being in the zone! These experiences will become memories in your mind that you deem FAMOUS (either Positive or Negative)!

Did you know?
  • The average 30 yrs old person has a vocabulary of 30K words and

  • The average 80 yrs old - has the vocabulary of 10K...THE REASON?

Most people are sadly living decades upon decades a life of continuous routine, boredom and you guessed it “being in the comfort zone”.

They falsely assume they're better off avoiding the feelings of discomfort that comes with change and paying the price of doing their time to collect a pension counting the days/years for retirement?!?

In reality, what they really end up doing is actually reducing their brain size, vocabulary, focus and intelligence. Sure they retire but certainly not the person they were when they started working. Their neuro-pathways (like branches) die off day after day, year after year because they live focused on comfort, safety and avoidance of change, challenging activities and new opportunities requiring intense learning.

I hope this article has inspired you to live uncomfortable and gave you one more grrreat reason and incentive to step out into the EXCITING UNKNOWN each and every day.

Aspire for higher,
Take chances daily and
Embrace the Uncomfortable…

Do it for your own sanity - pun intended!


"It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you're not."~ Denis Waitley

To use this article please use the article in its entirety including information about the author below:

Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by providing Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection Letter - "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved.

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