Monday, April 14, 2008

Are you listening? Intuition 101

Did you know that you're intuition is working 100% of the time?
Well, it is. . . but are you really listening?

Many coaching clients are looking for too many answers outside themselves. They attend seminar after seminar - looking for the pot of gold. Does this sound like you? Ther reason: they have been convinced by most marketers that the answers are outside of them. So they jump on board the ongoing wagon of courses one after the other.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge advocate of on going learning! What I'm saying here, is once you attend a training of any sort, go out and do something with it - take ACTION! Instead of jumping from one training to the next with no time for reflection and absorption - this will likely leave you feeling incomplete.

I've been asked many different coaching questions. . . and though I have lots of answers, I encourage each client to always answer their own question first. This builds trusting and empowers them to go within for their intuitive answer.

Why? Because your intuition is there for a reason and it's always working 100% of the time.

So I have a great question for you to ponder this week to practice listening to your intuition.
"What has to happen for me to consistently keep commitments to myself?"
  1. Spend 15 minutes every day this week contemplating this question in quiet/silence either in meditation or out in nature and listen for the answer.
  2. Trust yourself.
  3. Release your attachment of needing to know the answer right away. Your perfect answer might come in 15 minutes or 15 days, so pay attention and give yourself the space and quiet to hear the gentle low voice of intuition!

Warning: the answer might scare you (because it is something way outside your comfort zone) and that's ok.

Baby steps.

I invite you to post your intuitive answers on my blog and together let's help support one another to trust and grow our intuition!


Nada Adams, a Success-RESULTS Coach, Empowers Parent-Entrepreneurs to live Authentically with Integrity by using Powerful Intuitive Customized Solutions to create more balance, more well-being and more wealth! Experience NO-BS intuitive 1 on 1 coaching today! For a LIMITED time ~ schedule your initial complimentary coaching call today by visiting: & Sign up for the VIP Connection "Be Authentic; Be Enough" to jump start each and every week!

© Copyright 2008, Nada Adams and VIP R.E.$.U.L.T.S. Coaching Ltd. All rights reserved

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