Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Q #6a - What are STRESSFUL Situations?

6a. What are stressful situations?
There are 4 major areas of stress typical in the average individual's life:

  1. Academic Stress

  2. Work Stress

  3. Relationship Stress

  4. Financial Stress

This issue will cover the 4 areas of stress in 4 separate postings - otherwise its way too long to post as one.

Visit this blog daily this week and you'll find each one posted sequentially until all 4 areas are posted.

Academic Stress
Normally, for a student of any discipline, the examination months and the month during which the results are declared can be safely guessed to be the most stressful period. The stress that the students face might be because of the following factors:

Fear of failing or letting down their parents.
The pressure placed on the students to succeed would be so high that the students unable to bear the pressure fall ill and in worst cases, they even attempt to commit suicide.

  • Not having confidence about the subjects studied.
  • Having extremely high expectations.
  • Comparing one with others.
  • Unrealistic goals set by the parents

Many students begin to feel an overwhelming amount of stress during exams. A little stress can help you stay alert and ready to do your best, but too much stress can cause exhaustion and make your loved one(s) feel miserable. The key to getting through an exam successfully is to find a balance of stress which you can control.

Below are some suggestions for helping you or your preteen/ teenager manage their stress during exams.

Suggestions ~ Before Exams...
1. Make a timetable to organize test dates and study hours.
2. Divide the difficult subjects into smaller portions so that they become easier to study and understand.
3. Eliminate distractions.
4. Avoid idling away the time and reward yourself when you finish a task
5. Eat a balanced diet and try to avoid "stress eating"
6. Get some exercise everyday
7. Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night
8. Take time everyday to relax and make sure to take study breaks
9. Watch what you tell yourself- If you change your "Am I going to fail thoughts" to "I'm going to do the best I can," you'll greatly reduce exam anxiety

Suggestions ~ During Exams...
1. Reach the exam hall at least one hour before.
2. Stop studying an hour before the exam.
3. You probably won't learn anything new in an hour, but you might see something you don't know which can cause additional stress and anxiety.
4. Don't talk about the test with other students once you get there. Everyone is anxious before the test and anxiety can be contagious.
5. When you first get the test, take a deep breath and relax.
6. Read the entire test before starting and write down a few notes. This can help jog your memory later as you go through the test.
7. Answers all the questions first which you find easier. Leave the difficult ones for a later time. At least you will score in those questions which are comparatively easier.
8. Do not forget to carry the identity card, admission ticket, etc.
9. Remember managing stress effectively, while you are still young can help prevent diseases in the future.

I hope you learned a few things here and are now better equipped to support someone in your life that needs to study.

6b. Job Stress
According to a report,...(read tomorrow's posting.)

Nada Adams is a Business Intuitive who brings razor sharp Clarity to empower clients in Maximizing Success & Fulfilling Goals with Peace and Balance.

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